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Having spoke to a large number of students past and present. Myra seems to be the most disliked lecturer in the geology department. This is most likely due to the inconsistent marking and rudeness.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2022

This was the best unit I've ever taken at UWA. Myra is an excellent professor who organised an entire field trip to the South Coast of Western Australia - by herself. We had to set up a provisional lab so we could conduct our research after being in the field, as well as other arrangements such as camping, cooking, logistics, and so on. Frankly, I don't know many professors who would put in that much time and energy to teach their students. It is admirable, and it explains why many students adore Myra, despite the fact that that her units seem to be difficult (as it should). When I first started this unit, I had some difficulty catching up with the content because I hadn't studied in a while - Myra was extremely helpful and always made time to answer all my questions. If you are looking for an easy pass or a high distinction without putting in the necessary effort - perhaps this unit or the entire degree, may not be the best fit for you.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2022

Myra’s behaviour was absolutely atrocious. She was vindictive, incredibly rude, for me, her behaviour could only be described as bully-like. Her marking is all over the place, clearly based on favouritism at least to some degree and completely inconsistent. Her lectures have no structure and her assessments and course have no real world application. Why Venus!? I would though say the last 3 weeks with the other lecturer was great and very useful.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2021

Personally I found Myra to be rude and dismissive. She said her standards are much higher than Mark Jessels, but when she marks work she misses all the details - she should hold her self to high standards too. Myra’s marking does appear to be somewhat based who she likes and who she does not. The worst thing she does though is smash the confidence of students with smart alec comments, and abusing peoples work. When students are 6 months away from graduating they need confidence, not the destruction of it. Myra’s bullying is not acceptable!

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2022

Quite simply, Myra’s behaviour has been inappropriate, unprofessional and appalling. 1. Consistent rudeness: Myra’s rudeness knows now boundaries, not only in the way she is competently dismissive of any questions but also in the way she speaks. This rudeness has been noted by numerous students and not just me and she has really upset some people. 2. Erratic marking: Myra’s marking is clearly based on who she likes and who she dislikes. Her marking has no structure. She is known for "Myra's Made Up Marking Bell Curve." 3. Wacky assessments and exams: Nearly all students have complained about Myra’s weird assessments and exams. Last year’s exam covered about 4% of all the material and was based off of stuff we really didn’t look into. The field trip cross-section (which is not a cross-section) due during the semester what simply a double up of what we did on the field trip (why do it twice?). The reading reflections are totally wacky (even Myra herself said: you will never need or use this reading reflection “skill” again (why not make it useful and write 500 words in your own words explaining the paper). Venus project: Everyone in class was baffled, why not map an area on Earth? Research proposal: How many people will ever write a research proposal? Who has the skills to find a gap in knowledge? Who has been taught how to do a budget or run a scientific experiment – give an assessment based on what has been taught. The 4th years still talk about the complete and utter wacky exam they were given for the Earth Processes. 5 times 1% assessments is another weird thing to do. Many people find it very difficult to understand her thought processes. 4. Unprofessionalism: She refused to record lectures during this COVID period, on week 4, she finally put up old lectures on YouTube. Did not even bother to sync her PPT and lecture notes. Her marking, lectures notes and lectures are filled with mistakes. Her assessments are very unclear and she never reads emails properly. Myra has a clear issue with attention to detail. Nearly everything Myra does in conflicting, she says one must make a broad-based research proposal or its too hard, then 3 weeks later she says, one needs to choose a minute area of a knowledge gap. She says we need to a find a knowledge gap, then weeks later, she says “a knowledge gap in the articles you have read.” One of her oddest comments when she asked me to show academic evidence for a research proposal hypothesis I had. If I am looking for a gap in knowledge, how is there going evidence for it in the academic literature, isn’t the point of a knowledge gap to find something not there? This type of issue only leads to complete and utter confusion. 5. Workload: The workload of both Myra’s units was so heavy that no one had anytime to focus on any of the other units – she must understand that her unit it 1 of 4. 6. Myra’s way or the highway: Marco and Mark both teach the most important thing in geology is to think out the box because there is a lot we don’t know and a lot we have got wrong. If one dares to make the mistake and not see, think, write, or speak inside of Myra’s box, they are completely shut down. How is a good geologist going to be created in this environment? 7. Stress and unhappiness: Myra have brought a lot of deep unhappiness and stress to many a student from what I have heard. I have spoken with many graduates who even graduated from 10 years ago and it appears that her reputation precedes her and many an ex-student has much distaste for Myra’s behaviour and her attacks. Myra keeps prodding at students for months on end and the wonders why some students get upset.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2021