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I hated this unit. Lectures covered basic content, the book has the same as the lectures, however, q...

7 years ago


Very interesting unit, Peter is a great lecturer but he's though. I found the assessments challengin...

7 years ago


Assessments very easy, MCQ on Mid-Sem and easy final exam. Classes tend to drag on though and the tu...

7 years ago


The lectures are a waste of time. They don't tell you what they want specifically. The first essay i...

7 years ago


Pretty interesting unit with easy mcq exams

7 years ago


Not a fan of this unit but had to do it for my Accounting major. Teachers were good but content was...

7 years ago


Absolutely loved this unit and the lecturer. It was so much fun going to the lectures

7 years ago


Good foundation for an Accounting major. Leo is such a lad. Liked the practical assignment.. could h...

7 years ago


Had to do an oral test and I swear to God it was the worst experience of my life. Unit was interesti...

7 years ago


The lecturer was herendous. Almost everyone failed the midsem.

7 years ago


After watching lectures I thought this unit would be a breeze... But when the exam came I realised I...

7 years ago


Absolutely loved this unit. Great lecturers and tutors. For the exam, lecture notes and the answers...

7 years ago


Great unit, very useful. Would not recommend if you're not doing Commerce or Accounting as a major....

7 years ago


Genuinely hated economics until I studied it in UWA. Andrew is a fantastic lecturer and makes the to...

7 years ago


If you have a basic understanding of accounting this unit it will be relatively easy. If not and/or...

7 years ago


Assessments are easy but Wade was not the best lecturer.

7 years ago


Andrew is a great lecturer and really helps reinforce your learning.

7 years ago


Exams are multichoice and pretty easy. Found the lectures a little useless though

7 years ago


Really easy unit to score a HD in if you just follow the textbook. Joseph is awesome!!!

7 years ago


I like the structure of the unit and the content is set out nicely and I did not find the assessment...

7 years ago


Unit was run really well and everything seemed super organised thanks to Uwana. Very similar to STAT...

7 years ago


Interesting unit. Pretty easy to get HD as long as you read the textbook.

7 years ago


As a person who had no prior knowledge to law, I enjoyed the unit. The textbook and tutorials are re...

7 years ago


I really liked this unit and am glad I took it up as a broadening. The lecturer was great and the tu...

8 years ago

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