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ANHB2216 Semester Notes

Topics covered: - Endocrinology of sex steroids - Contraception and STIs - Puberty - Gametes and...

60 pages, 10551 words


$60 per hour

Hi I'm Mustafa and currently a first year medical student before, aswell as an anatomy lab demonstra...


Didn't live up to the hype... ANHB units place an emphasis on sexual and gender diversity within a biological context. I found this particularly difficult to work around in this unit. There was a large group assignment focusing on infertility (in previous years it focused on contraception). Terrible assignment topic choice. The assignment brief was so vague and wishy washy I couldn't find out what they really wanted from us. Not to mention, they wanted 'professional visually stunning' infographics from students with varying (personally little) experience. Out of the 4 units I did last sem this was my sacrificial lamb- had to put it on the backburner since it was too hard. :(

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2022

Unlike previous years the unit has become much harder. The assessments are still the same, 10 % for prelab, 10% for quiz, 25% for individual infographic assignment and 15% group assignment( Both were about assisted reproductive technologies) and the remainder for the exam . It was easy to score full marks for prelab ( shows answers in the end) and quizzes ( which sometimes recycles the same questions and given 3 attempts each quiz) . However both individual and group assignments are marked harshly, yet still passable. However what made this unit harder this year is the exam which is no longer open book. It was very hard with 60 multiple choice and 6 short answer. Thus this unit is easily passable but getting a distinction is difficult almost impossible to get HD unless you're einstein. Yet i still recommend this as a core level 2 Anhb unit

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2022

DO NOT DO THIS UNIT AS AN ELECTIVE. the reviews below with high ratings are extremely misleading and were all written by nerds DO NOT DO THIS UNIT

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2022

This unit is really great!!! I loved the content and all of the staff were helpful and made the content engaging. The labs were laid back and you could do your own thing during that time. The quizzes and pre-labs were helpful to learn the content and it was easy to get full marks for these. We had to come up with a novel contraceptive in groups and create our own infographic and then present together. I really enjoyed this assignment as it was super interesting and you got to be creative with it. Lots of other reviews talk about the lack of guidance for this but I believe there was a generous amount provided and the coordinators were more than happy to help answer any questions about it. The exam was open book but honestly relatively easier than other ANHB exams I have had before and if you had covered the content throughout the semester a high grade would be quite easy to achieve. While there is a lot of content like any other ANHB unit this unit broke it down nicely. 100% would recommend this unit!

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2021

The content was quite interesting and well taught. Like other reviews have said, the contraceptive assignment was pretty stressful, and it had a huge weighting. It really needed clearer and more descriptive marking keys given that most students don’t really know much about infographics/marketing for a target audience. The exam was on LMS and open-book, but still fairly challenging to be honest.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2021


Anonymous, Semester 2, 2021

This unit was the worst ANHB unit ive done so far. The content is super interesting and for students who haven't seen cadavers or histology before then this will be a great experience for that. The MCQs and prelabs are so easy and worth 20% of the unit which is a good base if you're aiming for a HD. The novel contraceptive assignment was an absolute nightmare. Coming up with an original idea and not trying to follow anything that already exists is hard enough, and if you have group members who aren't on the same wavelength and don't want to do any work for the unit, then it's going to be a real struggle. The infographic is a totally foreign concept and gave plenty of people I know quite a bit of anxiety about if their infographic was "pretty" enough. The marking key for it was also horrendous and vague. The same goes for the group presentation. I spent probably 5 days straight entirely devoted to making the powerpoint slides as good and engaging as possible and then hearing that other groups had made theirs in a few hours the night before and ended up with better marks was pretty disheartening. No matter how much research and effort you put into your infographic and presentation, there is really no guarantee of getting a good mark unfortunately and given that it is worth 40% of the unit, thats a big problem. The exam is the saving grace because most of the content is pretty easy to learn and some is revision from other units. The exam was very achievable and I was able to get a really good mark in this subject despite doing average in the group project. They should implement a system like they have in engineering where you can do an anonymous peer review and give your group members a rating for their involvement and the unit coordinators then use that to scale the markings because it can be really stressful trying to pick up the slack of bad group members (1 member in our group did virtually nothing).

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2020

I found the unit interesting and doable. The exam was fair. The prelabs and the 5 mcq quizzes were very easy to get full marks for. The only thing that I didn’t like was the infographic which was very harshly marked. Group projects always depend on how good the members are, if they are bad then it ruins your chance of an easy HD. I was so close to a HD but got a D due to the infographic. Other than that it is a great unit.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2020

I thoroughly enjoyed this unit.. except for the group project. It's very easy to get the marks for pre-labs and MCQ quizzes as they are unlimited attempts with lots of repeating questions. As a group, we had to come up with a novel contraceptive. Make sure you are in a group with good people... me and one other person in my group did ALL the work and everyone else just tagged along which made the end of the semester very stressful for me. I found the individual infographic quite easy to complete, with a final mark of over 90%. Make sure you know your contraceptive back to front for the presentation as they will ask questions and you are graded on the whole group being able to answer them. Jeremy had told our group it isn't so much on how amazing your contraceptive is, it's more about your contraceptive showing that you know the mechanisms of conception and that you designed your contraceptive from that. If your contraceptive has flaws, that's also okay as long as you are aware of them and can explain why they're a flaw if you get asked etc. As said below, the content isn't too heavy, the unit coordinators are amazing, and overall it was a fairly breezy unit. Even breezier if you have awesome group project team members.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2020

It's a good unit, though I do have one or two criticisms for it. 20% of the mark are just prelab and MCQ quizzes which are straightforward and repeatable so getting 100% isn't too difficult. The essay is no longer present in this unit - it has been replaced by an infographic worth 25% which was based on the novel contraceptive your group was focusing on. It is an individual task, but it is marked quite harshly. The group assignment does require a lot of work and research, however, it was a lot of fun and it was really interesting! The marking criteria did feel a bit vague for both assessments which is a tad annoying. The unit-coordinators are truly great! They are very helpful and understanding and the weekly "Monday Muse" made the unit far less stressful. The content isn't very heavy, a good portion of the content felt like revision from the previous units I did and it didn't dive into the topic as much as I hoped it did. The exam was fairly straightforward and achievable. Some study is required but it wasn't overwhelming by any means.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2020