Civil Practice
70104 is rated by StudentVIP members:
Sell your textbook for 70104Civil Procedure
Greg Reinhardt, Peta Spender, Sheryl Jackson, Roger Douglas
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Principles of Civil Procedure in New South Wales
Dorne Boniface, Miiko Kumar
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View all 70104 notesCivil Practice Notes
Well structured, colour-coded, easy to follow civil procedure notes. Provides a structure and scaffo...
35 pages, 18987 words
Civil Practice case summaries
Simple, easy to read/understand summaries of all the key cases in this subject. Really useful for wr...
12 pages, 4108 words
Lightening Talk - Topic Notes
These notes are designed to help you write a lightening talk on each of the topics included. The...
17 pages, 6581 words
A composed summary of all lightning talks that could come up in the exam.
5 pages, 791 words
Civil Practice Study Notes: Distinction - Great for Multiple Choice
Concise Lecture and Textbook Notes. Contents Page. Clear Summaries and explanation of each topic.
59 pages, 22470 words
Complete Civil Practice HD Notes (Autumn 2018 - Latest Content)
Complete summary covering the entire Civil Practice semester from beginning to end, including ALL ca...
95 pages, 33220 words
Writing Case Notes: Structure and Examples
how to write formal case notes Structure of case notes for exam purposes Some case note examples i...
7 pages, 2599 words
Civil Practice Subject Course Notes
Topics covered include: 1. Guiding principles 2. ADR 3. Open Justice and Access to Justice 4. Pr...
84 pages, 30551 words
Civil Practice Concept Summaries
A series of comprehensive summaries of the main topics included in the Civil Practice course, can be...
22 pages, 12906 words
Complete High Distinction Notes for Civil Practice 70104
The Notes cover topics that were examinable under the final exam. They inlcude material from the lec...
97 pages, 50000 words
Become a tutor for 70104Alexandra
$100 per hour
Experienced lawyer and tutor of business and law subjects (10+ years). Academic background: Distinct...
$100 per hour
Hi! I’m Claudia. I am a solicitor. I graduated from the University of Technology, Sydney in 2021...
$20 per hour
Test Prep, Assignment Assistance, Essay Planning, Proofreading I look forward to taking on privat...
$130 per hour
YES IM AVAILABLE. PLEASE MESSAGE / EMAIL ME. An experienced tutor of 10+ years and lawyer workin...
Great Subject