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- 315 textbooks at UTAS
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The latest second hand textbooks at University of Tasmania...
Authors: Jeffrey M. Wooldridge, Mokhtarul Wadud, Jenny Lye
3 months agoAuthors: PHIL & ROBINSON HANCOCK (PETER & BAZLEY, MIKE.), Peter Robinson, Mike Bazley
3 months agoAuthors: ROBERT P & RAMSAY AUSTIN (IAN.)
5 months agoAuthors: David H. Barlow, V. Mark Durand, Stefan G. Hofmann
5 months agoAuthors: Pharmaceutical Society of Australia
5 months agoAuthors: ROBERT P & RAMSAY AUSTIN (IAN.)
5 months agoAuthors: John De Nobile, Gordon Lyons (Lecturer and researcher), Michael Arthur-Kelly
6 months agoAuthors: Beverly Derewianka, Pauline Jones
6 months agoAuthors: Suzanne L. Krogh, Kristine L. Slentz
6 months agoAuthors: Janet Fellowes, Grace Oakley
6 months agoAuthors: Blastland, Michael;Dilnot, Andrew
6 months agoAuthors: Taylor, Fahey, Kriewaldt, Boon
6 months agoUTAS textbooks by subject area: