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- 316 textbooks at UTAS
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The latest second hand textbooks at University of Tasmania...
Authors: Colin Marsh, Maggie Clarke, Sharon Pittaway
1 week agoAuthors: Janet Fellowes
1 week agoAuthors: Keith Ross, Liz Lakin, Janet McKechnie, Jim Baker
1 week agoAuthors: Michael Henderson, Geoff Romeo
1 week agoAuthors: Brady, Laurie & Kennedy, Kerry
1 week agoAuthors: Merrilyn Goos, Gloria Stillman, Colleen Vale, Sandra Herbert, Vince Geiger
1 week agoAuthors: ROBIN ET AL. CREYKE, David Hamer, Patrick John O'Mara, Belinda Smith, Taylor. Tristan
1 week agoAuthors: Mirko Bagaric
1 week agoAuthors: Martin, Bruce, Breunig, Mary, Wagstaff, Mark, Goldenberg, Marni
2 weeks agoAuthors: Tim Dixon
2 weeks agoAuthors: Scott Lilienfeld, Steven Lynn, Laura Namy, Graham Jamieson, Anthony Marks, Virginia Slaughter
2 weeks agoAuthors: Brian Furze, Pauline Savy, Robert Douglas Webb, Sara Leanne James, Robert J. Brym, Theresa Petray, John Lie
2 weeks agoAuthors: Michael Swan
3 weeks agoAuthors: S Graw; D Parker; K Whitford; E Sangkuhl; C Do
3 weeks agoUTAS textbooks by subject area: