Abnormal Psychology
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View all PSYC3018 notesUP TO DATE EXAM NOTES for Abnormal Psychology
Clearly set out PSYC3018 notes, includes all concepts, DSM-5 criteria, theories discussed. Currently...
40 pages, 11367 words
Complete comprehensive study notes of Abnormal Psychology Lectures: Lecture 1 - Mental Health Profe...
96 pages, 27685 words
Abnormal Psychology Notes (PSYC3018, Final Mark: 80)
Clear and comprehensive summary notes for all topics and lectures covered in the subject. Topics in...
114 pages, 29783 words
PSYC3018 Comprehensive Lecture/Exam Notes
These notes contain a complete and comprehensive summary of all lecture notes and topics discussed i...
48 pages, 15542 words
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Hi, I’m Avnee! Graduated Master of Clinical Psychology (2018), Bachelor of Psychology Honours Cla...
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Hey! I am currently studying Psychology postgrad (4th year). I completed a Bachelor of Arts degree (...
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Hi Everyone I'm currently completing my PhD at one of Australia's top universities. I absolutely...
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Psychology is extremely competitive - I'm here to help raise marks and consolidate understanding. Re...
$69 per hour
Hi there! My name is Ally, I'm doing Psychology Honours after finishing my undergrad at the Universi...
$80 per hour
Hi! I recently completed my masters and PhD. I help with exams, assignments, assessments, projects a...
Interesting content and good lecturers. However, definitely not a 'WAM booster.' Assessments are marked harshly. If it's uncertain you will make it into honours, you should consider doing the personality subject instead.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021
My favourite psychology subject in my whole degree. Really interesting content which is highly applicable if you are thinking if entering Clinical Psychology!
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2020
Interesting lecture content and tutorials- I think this is what most of us expected to be learning ALL the time in undergrad.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020
A great class with amazing lecturers. Highly recommend. Make sure you are consistently studying throughout the semester. It is content heavy and difficult to cram for the final. The content in this course will definitely be applicable in my future classes and careers.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017
Sooo interesting and relevant to becoming a psychologist
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017
One of the best courses offered at USYD, lots of memorising but worth the knowledge gained!
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2015
This unit is the closest thing to 'psychology' that most people expect: lots of disorders and criteria to learn, however, not as difficult as it seems as most disorders are quite distinct. The final exam also has SAQs which are given to you in a list of 20 a week before so always a bonus- nail the SAQs and it's very easy to score well in the final exam.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2015
Really interesting unit, great for people thinking of going into clinical psychology. Group presentation can be a bit tricky, major essay involves diagnosing a patient, but easy marks on the quiz and the final exam as you're given possible SAQs.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2015
Abnormal psychology is what most people think of when the subject is discussed. It included depression, anxiety, personality disorders, and psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia. While the subject is interesting, there are many different names of disorders, and many criteria for each disorder, which can make the subject appear more challenging than otherwise.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2012
Really interesting - this is the type of stuff you expect to learn about when you think of psychology. Some topics can be a little distressing, and there is a lot of memorising DSM5 criteria but it is really worth it!