Personality and Intelligence 1
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View all PSYC2014 notesPSYC2014 extremely comprehensive notes (HD) + BONUS revision questions & answers
TOPICS INCLUDED - Psychometrics (Niko Tiliopoulos) - Psychodynamic Theories (Fiona Hibberd) - Hum...
193 pages, 44811 words
Personality and Psychological Assessment Notes (PSYC2014, Final Mark: 83)
Clear and comprehensive summary lecture notes for all topics covered in the subject. Topics Include...
152 pages, 34893 words
PSYC2014 Personality and Intelligence Summary Notes
Well organised and concise notes covering all lecture material by topic. Easy to follow dot point...
79 pages, 22157 words
Concise, detailed, comprehensive! PSYC2104 Notes
Concise, detailed, comprehensive and aesthetically pleasing, these notes cover all lecture content f...
50 pages, 10746 words
PSYC2014 lecture notes [Complete & comprehensive!]
Covers topics: - Psychometrics - personality - intelligence Very comprehensive Presented in...
204 pages, 36968 words
(HD - 88) Comprehensive PSYC2014 Notes
Comprehensive notes which are essential for doing well in the course. Topics covered: - Differ...
110 pages, 28000 words
PSYC2014 - Personality & Intelligence
Highly detailed notes including diagrams, worked examples and formulas. Information taken from lectu...
81 pages, 32531 words
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It is a required subject, but it is a really interesting subject. The assignment is a critical review which is hard but great, and the exam is straight forward without tricks. There is a lot of content to learn, but it's rewarding and interesting.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016
Trickier than PSYC2013, but still interesting. Easy to score in the final exam.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2014
I found the psychometrics content a good refresher for statistics, and well presented by Niko. I also enjoyed learning about Freud, but the Freud MCQ's in the exam were extremely difficult - even for the most diligent student. The intelligence lecturers were really easy to listen to. Once again, this unit is a psychology unit, meaning it has LOADS of content, but if you stay on top of your work throughout the semester, you will do well.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2015
The psychometrics lectures were a bit tedious (considering the amount of stats I've already done), however, the assignment load is very manageable and the content is always presented clearly. If you are an active listener in every lecture, you will be comfortable throughout the whole semester in this subject. The tutorials are also more helpful than most psych totes are in general. Or maybe Beatriz is just the bomb.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2015
Way more organised than PSYC2013. Gave you more exam support. Still, was very content heavy (38-40) lectures but it was easier to deal with than PSYC2013 because they gave you a list of possible exam questions, which made studying easier (and that overlapped with the MC q's). Nicko is awesome and has gotten a new microphone so you can understand his heavily accented psychotic rantings. Easy to find this content in youtube videos as well, which was a saving grace for studying. FYI, if anyone you know has already done the course, get any notes/quiz question examples etc off them because Psych are notorious for re-using old questions....