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why is Heather Shepard talking about the NHS and USA health care system when were are living in Australia and this is an Australian healthcare unit? She likes to claim she's Australian but her accent clearly shows she's British and is talking all about the UK and it has no connection to the degree and nursing care in Australian context. Very useless lecturer and lecture. Like herself many English, Scottish, Irish and Welsh nurses leave Europe to be nurses in Australia as the pay and conditions are better, so again this lecture was way out of order and waste of time and not relevant. Heather stumbles and pauses all the time and clearly is reading off a word doc clearly where the information is copied from other sources not hers, clearly she could have talked in her own words and experiences if she's so passionate about being British and British history, but still claims to be Australian. please fire this lady as no contribution at all and invalid topic. She mentions how she dose not want to live in UK and no opportunities and wants to live in Australia, but just want to talk about the NHS when tis irrelevant for this degree it makes no sense at all. Capitation dose not happen in Australia, you pay per service visit when see specialist. Again mixing and confusing UK healthcare with Australia when there is no need to in the first place and not sure why this needs to be known as it won't be important to patient care when nursing patients in Australia. ANNA HOWE lecture was completed in audible as you could not hear one word muttered out. Also she kept getting her facts wrong and it was confusing to follow as she was saying she needed to correct this and that just making the presentation a waste of time and ineffective. I have no interest in aged care and do not want to learn about it, it should be made an elective of choice not forced.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2021

Narelle Story is one of the worst lectures I have come across and needs to be fired ASAP and replaced with someone who is able to give lectures in a direct manner and to the point without beating around the bush being all wishy washy. The inconsistency in delivering content in a timely efficient manner is very annoying because Narelle is unable to stick to one topic at a time making note taking difficult. Example: talking a lot about the Canadian, American and British health system. Dose someone need to remind her we are in Australia not those countries? By jumping from topics all the time this makes handwriting everything more difficult than it has to be, since this unit based on outline structure should be a straight forward content. Example: talks about the private health insurance then goes off a tangent deaths, then to policies, then back to private health insurance, then to bariatric surgery, then public health. All the while mumbling and not making sense. Please fire Narelle Story now. If you have a so called educator who can't deliver the lecture without having to copy and paste information onto paper sheet from other sources and can't just sit in the video and give the lectures without having to literally read word for word from her paper where she got all the information from instead of being able to just talk about it from her own experience she's claimed she's had then there is huge problems for institution claiming its the best, this type of teaching is low class. This shows how grossly incompetent Narelle skills are as an educator to the point she is not able to sufficiently teach, even with looking and reaching for what I can obviously see is information copied and taken from other sources on paper. What is worse she adds in information that is not listed in objectives and rams it down your throat adding her two cents in, but politics is not her speciality, so Narelle should stick to facts on what has been copied and paste from other sources from the papers she's reading on the table. Narelle likes to bring up many points that say there is still lack of evidence and goes on those points for a solid 30 minutes, but if there is lack of evidence to prove then why are you mentioning it as part of intervention care? Very confusing. If we where able to post clips and and images from the lectures and tutorials that can be attached to this review would make this so much more clearer to people how incompetent she is at teaching and somebody else needs to take over.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2021