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Latest, Legend Notes for INFO1003 Written by HD student

Hi, my name is William. I have just finished INFO1003 last semester(2016 S2) and did quite a good jo...

61 pages, 15696 words


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A lot of students realised it wasn't for them and dropped it before census date - if you are already struggling by then drop it. It's taught okay. Lectures are boring. But overall okay, especially if you are passionate about it.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2015

Good entry level subject that will teach the basics of Information Technology. Sometimes seemed a bit slow-paced and too simple but would be perfect for a novice to pick up.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2015

Useful subject, easy to get marks, however attending lectures and tutorials are not necessary for high marks

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2015

not bad. lectures and tutes quite boring, but lots of hands on assignments. easy to get marks for the website even if its not fully functioning

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2014