Molecular and Cellular Immunology
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View all IMMU3102 notesIMMU3102/3902(Adv) UoS Study Notes
This is my lecture summary notes for IMMU3902(Adv), which also covers all of the IMMU3102 materials....
92 pages, 13088 words
High Distinction IMMU3102 Notes
These notes cover all 17 lectures covered in the IMMU3102: Molecular and Cellular Immunology course....
98 pages, 21667 words
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Interesting content with some great lecturers. Pracs were kind of tedious. Prac and final exam was challenging- make sure to have a good grasp of the content!
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021
Subject was interesting and challenging. If you find yourself assigned Nayan's tutorial, find a reason to change ASAP. For once, trust the stranger on the internet. I promise it will be to your advantage.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018
Highly engaging subject! Great content, not too complex, labs were very exciting! Highly enjoyed this subject!