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GOVT2617 Comprehensive Reading Notes

(1) Notes of important readings for GOVT2617 (2) Easy to understand! (3) Use it to get HD for exam...

98 pages, 31103 words

☆★ GOVT2617 NOTES! [Lectures, diagrams, tutorials!] +BONUS! ★☆

Includes: 1. Notes from lectures 2. Notes from all weekly readings 3. Notes from tutorial partici...

53 pages, 10191 words


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The tutorials were the active and interesting, incorporating practical exercises as well as discussion.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018

My impression was that the unit was fairly unorganised and the structure was very vague. I did find the tutorial discussions interesting and engaging - I think the course coordinator is more suited to the tutorial style of instruction. The role play assessment was good too as a change from the usual essays etc. and worked well.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2019

While the course content was provocative, the substitute course coordinator that took this unit when I did delivered lectures that were, at best, mediocre (in terms of engagement, sticking to topic, and how much one gains from the lecture). Tutorial discussions were sometimes interesting, but mostly at a basic level. Fortunately, while sometimes oddly specific and complex, the supplementary readings can be quite challenging (both to your way of thinking and also simply to get through the course). Though, it just makes you wish the whole course was like that.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018

not the best politics unit, didn't go in depth

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2014