Comparative Government and Politics

John McCormick, Rod Hague, Martin Harrop

For sale by Mabel for $50

Foundations of Comparative Politics

Kenneth Newton, Jan W. van Deth

For sale by Mabel for $50

GOVT1641 Introduction to Politics Notes

GOVT1641 Introduction to Politics Notes. Notes cover all content and are summarised in weekly tables...

35 pages, 8514 words

GOVT1641 Complete Study Notes (HD 88!)


21 pages, 15000 words

GOVT1641 complete summary notes

super detailed week-by-week notes from lecture material and concept summaries. achieved a DI 84

64 pages, 20150 words

Introduction to Politics

Covers all lectures, and readings Topics include: Political Philosophy Political Institutions...

36 pages, 8632 words

HD (87) GOVT1641 Study Guide

Final mark: HD - Lecture notes - Notes from readings - Notes from tutorials Topics covered:...

23 pages, 10000 words


Summarised and compressed to 13 pages with all lecture notes, research, readings and tutorial notes...

13 pages, 7775 words

GOVT1641 - Intro. to Politics

Weeks 1-13 Content with Readings incl. Topic list - Introduction - Liberalism - Liberal Crit...

30 pages, 10185 words


$48 per hour

Experienced tutor with both domestic and international students, fluent in English and Mandarin. Cur...


$70 per hour

First Class Honours student in International Relations, 2022 Graduate. Hi! I was a Politics and IR...


$30 per hour

Hi Everyone I'm currently completing my PhD at one of Australia's top universities. I absolutely...


$60 per hour

Hello! I am a First Class Honours graduate in Politics and International Relations/Advanced Studies...


$60 per hour

Third year degree, WAM 84, All above distinction except SCWK2008. I'm currently in my third year...


$60 per hour

99.98 ATAR equivalent, final semester, World top financial security inter, deep understanding of bot...


Assessment instructions were not clear. Sufficient effort was not made to ground theory in reality, and it felt like the lectures took a long time to only say very little. Tutor did not contribute to our understanding of the content, and instead spent the whole time only asking questions. Guest lecturer Keane only covered half of what he was supposed to each week. For example, in a lecture about liberalism and its critics, conservatism was barely mentioned, if at all. (I'm as progressive and left-wing as can be, so I do not say this because I somehow like conservatism.) I don't understand how such an influential ideology was not really mentioned. The same can be said for the week on authoritarianism and democracy. He basically covered the contexts of his new book on a specific form of despotism, and nothing else.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2022

If I could give this course a zero, I would. Research Report: 0/5 The task was so confusing with absolutely no actual detailed instructions on how to structure the task. The instruction was all after the nitty-gritty detail. Basically, the question was like: How can x political literature be applied to y political issue? What are the benefits and limitations of using that literature? First of all, the tutor (also the unit coordinator), could not define clearly what he meant by literature. It took constant follow-ups to finally work it out. Second of all, there was a very slippery slope in the assessment that was super deceitful: "N.B. We aren't fishing for the 'correct' matching of an approach to an issue. In fact, less obvious pairings might offer interesting insights or the opportunity to be critical." This was not the case. For example, if you couldn't determine the relationship between constitutionalism and house prices, your project was pretty in the gutter. Tutor (0.5/5) While he is calm and respectful, he seems very jaded in tutorials. Gave no enthusiasm and passion to the subject. Brought zero new knowledge in to help develop our discussions. He did not make his marking expectations clear. He did not provide sufficient feedback that told us exactly where we needed to improve. The worst part was the take home exam where he just assigned us numerical marks with no feedback as if that wasn't up for discussion. Avoid Sascha if you can. There was another tutor I disliked: (forgot his name) but please avoid him if he makes fun of your answers during class and liked to poke holes and ridicule people rather than help them. Lectures (0.5/5) If the lectures just purely focused on Australian politics, I would've been fine with that because it is specific and actually grounded in contextual specific examples that would've been useful for the research report and take-home essay.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2022

really interesting and well organised, although only six students received an HD so the marking is rather difficult - otherwise great

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2020

Was not organised very well at all. Some lecturers were more interesting than others, but overall not a very well organised unit.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018