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NEW FINC6022 HD Notes (Mark: 91) - 1st in Course

Comprehensive set of notes for the NEW FINC6022 Behavioural Finance course to help you study for bot...

88 pages, 10342 words


$69 per hour

Profile Specialist finance tutor, sessional finance academic at USyd, Senior Academic Tutor at St A...


This course moves away from the more standard subjects you will take in your BCom or MCom finance major to incorporate the ways in which real world decisions deviate from the decisions that standard finance models (i.e. mean-variance analysis, factor models such as CAPM) predict. If you have some real-world trading experience you are likely to recognise that many of the behavioural biases presented have probably impacted your trading decisions. I immediately recognised the 'disposition effect' as a trading mistake I had made many times (realising small gains too soon to lock in a profit, while holding losers in the hope of 'just getting back to par'). If you've ever been a fan of the horses or casinos, you'll also recognise the behavioural bias that makes you double down on the last race to try and win back what you've already lost. The students who will get the most out of this subject are those who already have some real world investing experience, either professionally or personally. I came 1st in FINC6022 when I took it in 2013 (only semesters from 2020-2023 were available in the drop down list below) and the course content remains very similar. I am therefore well-placed to help students taking it. The course is typically taught by one of my PhD supervisors, Andrew Grant.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2020