Introduction To Computer Systems
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View all ELEC1601 notesELEC1601 High Distinction SUPER Summary
All ELEC1601 notes are strategically condensed into two pages, formatted in double columns, with cle...
2 pages, 2102 words
HD ELEC1601 Comprehensive Notes 2022
These notes helped me to get 100% on the final exam and final quiz. They are comprehensive and conc...
18 pages, 5048 words
Comprehensive and helpful ELEC1601 Notes by HD student
I have just finished ELEC1601 in 2016 S2 and did quite a good job for this course. These notes ar...
54 pages, 21201 words
ELEC1601 Computer Systems Complete Course Notes (High Distinction)
These ELEC1601 notes include my own raw lecture notes, answers to tutorial exercises (only from tuto...
41 pages, 4432 words
ELEC1601 Notes
Includes: - Definitions and explanations - Annotated code examples with syntax highlighting for re...
53 pages, 7743 words
HD ELEC1601 Notes
My notes cover all the topics in ELEC1601. I usually use tables and point dots to summarise the conc...
33 pages, 33 words
ELEC1601 Comprehensive Distinction Notes
I received a distinction in this subject. These notes are very comprehensive and particularly useful...
37 pages, 7928 words
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Rate: $35/hr. First hour free for non-assignment work. I’m a former software engineer now living...
Yee Cheng
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Hey there - you can call me YC for short! I am a current 2nd year Bachelor of Advanced Computing...
$140 per hour
|| USYD Student (Dalyell stream), 82 WAM | 97.55 ATAR || Hi, I'm Nemo! I am a Student at The U...
$80 per hour
Hi! I recently completed my masters and PhD. I help with exams, assignments, assessments, projects a...
$50 per hour
I am currently doing Bachelor of Advanced Computing at USYD, majoring in Computer Science and Financ...
One of the worst subjects at USYD, with an assignment that forces your marks into a lottery and not purely based on the quality of your work. Backward thinking for a top uni. This is appalling.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2024
A mess of a subject -content all over the place, assessment marks received late, final exam was rigged (mcq which was hurdle was messed up), lab tutors were useless and on top of that had a lame group (personal). Tutors were goated, shout out to Jono. I'd say don't do this subject if it's not core :/
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2023
lab tutor don't teach anything .
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2023
The content is very very interesting with amazing practical labs. Though I have heard the lab quality dropped due to online labs.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2019
Content is interesting, although the theory and practical feel detached from each other. The subject's pacing changes, but being self-directed on weekly tasks and tutorials give a good outline of the content. Exams require less problem solving than tutorial activities.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018
This is a good subject but taught poorly by the lecturers and tutors. Course contents are practical and useful, not too hard but you have to study very hard yourself to get good marks.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018
Abelardo is a great lecturer. The course is fun and engaging and the structure makes sense. They basically give you 40% of the marks for free, so don't miss opportunities to do the prework. The final was relatively easy given the tutorial content. If you struggle in tutorials, ask for help because you aren't getting the answers to them any other way.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2017
Lecturer is great. Content is fascinating. Fantastic subject and would highly recommend for a deeper understanding of how computers work on a hardware level.