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Comprehensive HD:92 ECOS3024 Notes

1. Mercantilist Economy and the Birth of Capitalism 2. Britain the Pioneer: The First Industrial Re...

96 pages, 51447 words


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I highly recommend this subject as a unit for economics. Weekly lecture were very content heavy- 80-100 slides a week, however, what was on the slides was basically the extent of the knowledge required for exams and assignment to get a pass/credit (readings important if you want to get a higher grade which is achievable). If you are good at memorising this subject is great for you, a lot of content and dates to memorise for exams but again, thats the extent of it. The course I found was straight-forward, fairly easy, interesting and enjoyable!

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020

The lecture content was beyond interesting! The lectures are substantial in size (80-100 slides per lecture) but are covered well. The assessments were very fair (even easy). However I didn't find Mathew Smith to be the best lecturer. Readings are essential to score high marks. Highly recommend against neglecting them.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018

Purely theory course, but interesting. There is a lot of content but as long as you keep up it is fine. Matt isn't exactly a generous marker which makes it hard to score well in the mid-sem and assignment.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2016