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These are full, complete notes for behavioural economics. They have been complied using the textbook...

127 pages, 55151 words

ECOS3016 HD Notes (New Format)

With the course recently changed, these notes will help you ace the subject in the new format. These...

36 pages, 16103 words

ECOS3016 Summary Notes

Comprehensive course summary notes including explanations, examples, diagrams, and equations. Topics...

14 pages, 4731 words

Full Course Notes

Course Notes based off textbook and lecture slides. Relevant diagrams and readings/references includ...

69 pages, 22037 words


$80 per hour

Taking Bookings for 2023 (Face to Face and ONLINE Available) Academic Tutor with HD average - Ranke...


The handbook failed to mention that there is a group component. Some people actually considered dropping once they learnt about the 15% group presentation. Stephanie is new to the unit but she's extremely helpful. One thing I dislike about this course is that there's forced participation. You need to talk in the lecture at least 3 times to get that 10% participation marks. The content is fine, not too challenging.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2019

This subject is extremely boring and draining. The slides are uninteresting the exams are difficult and Stephen is a complete nutcase. Everybody in the lecture looks so disinterested in the topics. The only good thing is the free 5% if you complete the quizzes, which just require participation. 10/10 would not recommend. The previous reviews were surely written by stephen himself to get students to choose this unit.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018

Really interesting content and Stephen was an excellent lecturer

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016

I have to say, hands down, that this is the most interesting unit I've taken. This unit's concepts are intellectually rich and refreshing. Stephen's lectures are awesome. He showcases the rigidity of mainstream economics with its appropriation of human behavior, defining behavioral economics as a class of its own. The readings are great too, in that they illustrate these quirks of human behavior in a econometric way. 10/10 would HIGHLY recommend!

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016

Stephen is one of the best lecturers in economics. He explains the content very clearly and in an engaging way, and his lecture slides are excellent. You always walk away from the lecture with a full understanding of the content. There were a lot of interesting topics (such as loss aversion, ambiguity aversion, gambler's fallacy, framing, sunk costs, social preferences with the ultimatum game, and risk aversion). I absolutely enjoyed looking at behavioural economics in this class. The tutorial sessions on binary preference relations, probability and game theory were a good refreshment, but some of the readings are quite long. The five online questionnaires were fun to do, and the three quizzes (like short mid-term exams) were very fair and straightforward. The final exam was somewhat tricky, but that was understandable. I have had Stephen before in intermediate micro (ECOS2901), and he did not disappoint! You can easily see his passion in experimental and behavioural economics. It was definitely one of the best economics units I've done. Thank you, Stephen!

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016