Introduction To Econometrics
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I have put together these premium ECMT1020 notes which helped me achieve a very good mark. These...
94 pages, 15798 words
Comprehensive HD:91 ECMT1020 Notes
Comprehensive set of ECMT1020 notes. Achieved a High Distinction mark (91) using these notes. Extrem...
38 pages, 7067 words
These notes are complete ECMT1020 notes that gained me a final mark of 90 (and 100% in the midsem ex...
115 pages, 27632 words
ECMT1020 Complete HD (90) Lecture Notes
Full semester's worth (12 lectures) of high-quality lecture notes. These notes break down the slight...
37 pages, 10557 words
ECMT1020 Summary Notes
Exam summary notes including the following topics, typed with full equations where necessary: - Int...
18 pages, 4191 words
These are fully comprehensive, high distinction notes for the latest ECMT1020 course. In these notes...
52 pages, 9834 words
ECMT1020 HD Notes
Entire ECMT1020 course notes, summarised from the lectures, tutorials and the textbook. These ar...
35 pages, 11118 words
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The lecturer, Rebecca, was an extremely clear, dedicated, and organised lecturer. She made things very easy to understand. The subject is an interesting extension of ECMT1010.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018
Lecturers were helpful. Content before mid sem was like a revision of BUSS1020/ECMT1010. Tutorials were a lifesaver and the free 20% of marks from the online quizzes was great.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2017
Difficult but rewarding - I had to shop around for a well-run tutorial though.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2015
It's a continuation of regression from ECMT1020. You will use STATA to run/test regressions. You don't need to use stata for the final but the output will be expressed in terms of stata. It's a practical course so prepare for different types of questions in each topic is important. Especially hypothesis testing (t-test, F-test) and a basic understanding of the terminology of simple/multiple regression is extremely important.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2015
I found the examination is not too hard as warning by the lecturer. All of the topics were covered in the exam, and more math questions than theories
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2013
This was a great subject. Let me start by saying most students that do this will say that it's a killer and will often blame the lecturer for their own lack of effort. This is certainly the most demanding first year subject in economics so i'd recommend to always be on top of it if you don't want to be struggling or pointlessly blaming the lecturer or tutors, when in fact there are adequate resources to do well in this subject. Peter has actually been the most helpful lecturer i've talked to in the economics faculty so i'd also recommend students to be actively e-mailing and asking lecturer's questions as it is a demanding. yet rewarding unit.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2017
This subject was a total killer. Peter's lectures were confusing, and many practice questions were not examinable (we didn't have adequate examinable material, so what's the point in teaching us all those unexaminable stuff?). Let alone a whole semester of not knowing what we learned, we didn't get any practice questions from him for the finals. HATE THE SUBJECT
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017
This unit is intended to be an introduction to the classical linear regression model (CLRM), the underlying assumptions, and the problem of estimation. Further, it consider hypothesis testing, and interval estimation, and regressions with dummy variables and limited dependent variable models. Finally, the subject considers different functional forms of the regression model and the problem of heteroskedasticity. Throughout students will be taught the essential interplay between econometric theory and economic applications.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016
This is a significant step-up from ECMT1010. This is where you get to learn the cool shizz. But seriously though, this unit is super useful and informative. It solidifies the connection between raw data and the numerous meaningful figures and numbers economists use all the time. The use of Stata is great too! A must for any econs student. Also, Kadir is a great lecturer. He actually takes the time to explain EVERY concept that is being taught, and will RECAP what was taught last lecture. Damn. Tutorials by Yankai were also top notch. One of the most insightful subjects I've taken.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2015
One of the best subjects I had in Uni.Sydney. Kadir was absolutely of great help. And I find the contents of the subject very fundamental to further economics study. One suggestion is if you already had a sound background of probability theories and statistics, this subject might be a bit too simple for you, in which case changing to a more challenging one might be a good option.