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interesting content, but horrible assessments. if you really like the subject/are forced to do it th...

10 years ago


A great subject with great lecturers. If you can handle first year chemistry you will be able to han...

10 years ago


This was the worst organised subject I have ever done. The content is a little hard but the lecturer...

10 years ago


Such a great course. The lecturers seemed to genuinely care about teaching us (or did a really good...

10 years ago


Good subject with some really helpful and dedicated tutors e.g. John and Andrew

10 years ago


If you did stats in first year (science kids) then this won't be too bad of a course at all. Lecture...

10 years ago


Ian Johnston is a legend! Definitely do advanced if you can, same lecture content but the prac part...

10 years ago


Some interesting stuff, but pretty hard stuff because there seems to be assumed knowledge that you d...

10 years ago


You'll need to brush up on your derivative and integration rules if you forgot them (like me - gap y...

10 years ago


I couldn't understand one word of the lecturer. Hardly could understand my tutor. First quiz is pret...

10 years ago


The chem department is easily the most well-run department in the faculty of science. Lecturers are...

10 years ago


Definitely do advanced over normal - same lecture content but with an extra seminar series that are...

10 years ago


Best first year course you can take.

10 years ago


Not as interesting as Psyc1001 but still a great course

10 years ago


A lot of content to learn.Try to go topic by topic and all can be covered.

10 years ago


Interesting subject to learn however not an interesting lecturer.

10 years ago


A well delivered and interesting course, with generally some great lecturers (except the development...

10 years ago


A really interesting subject, in particular the Linear section. Not particularly difficult, and the...

10 years ago


Statistics gets a bad rap, and it's not altogether underserved. That being said, this course in part...

10 years ago


realllyyyy cool and verrry interrrestttinnggg. even if you dont want to do psych, this is a great...

10 years ago


A content-heavy unit but worth your time if this is what interests you. Assessments were a little co...

10 years ago


Recommended. The course content is well structured, and great lecturers. The major assessment was ve...

10 years ago


Practise, practise, practise. The exam will be straightforward if you do. Piazza (which you'll be to...

10 years ago


There is a ton of content to remember, more than some other first year science courses, and much of...

10 years ago

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