- Uni. of Sydney
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- Science
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Latest activity on Science subjects at Uni. of Sydney...
No. Don't do it. It's a trap.
9 years ago
Such a good subject! Exam was so easy :)
9 years ago
Interesting subject which can seem foreign to students who haven't previously had stats experience.
9 years ago
useful course
9 years ago
I found the subject to be quite good for most of the semester - the lecturers are fantastic along wi...
9 years ago
As a subject targeted at students without a maths background, I felt the the speed at which we learn...
9 years ago
The topics were very interesting and hands on lab practicals were fun... but in general there is so...
9 years ago
If you keep up to date you will do well! Sharon is a great lecturer, breaks the content down simply...
9 years ago
Organisation is superb, quizzes and participation are a great way to earn marks and the assignment (...
9 years ago
Lectures were alright although my lecturer was super boring and tended to drag things out. Had an am...
9 years ago
With a General Maths background, despite having extra tutoring and doing the bridging course, I foun...
9 years ago
Despite finding the exam pretty challenging, overall I really enjoyed this course. Chem was my worst...
9 years ago
I really enjoyed the course content, even though there was a pretty big amount to learn. Advanced wa...
9 years ago
The lecturers for PCOL3012 are amazing!
9 years ago
Interesting subject content, albeit a tad more difficult than CHEM1101. The organic chemistry sectio...
9 years ago
Mixed feelings about the subject - poor feedback given regarding the tutorial quizzes and the major...
9 years ago
Ah, group work, the bane of university. However, don't be deterred from this unit just because of th...
9 years ago
Really interesting unit, great for people thinking of going into clinical psychology.
Group present...
9 years ago
Started out only doing this subject for a breath of fresh air, but after completing it I've decided...
9 years ago
great subject, well organised. Pay a lot of attention in Labs.
9 years ago
The best BMED subject out of the six. Everything is easy to follow
9 years ago
Dedicated lecturers; in particular John. Good introduction to calculus, but must be consistent with...
9 years ago
A really interesting class. Very information dense. I recommend reviewing your notes at the end of e...
9 years ago
It was an information dense course. Very good if you have never studied calculus before. My tip woul...
9 years ago
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