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Latest activity on Science subjects at Uni. of Sydney...


The subject is really fascinating from a Neuroscience perspective. Most of the lecturers are great,...

8 years ago


The in-semester assessments test things before you are taught them, especially true in the first hal...

8 years ago


I enjoyed this course much less than 1st year Psyc. While there are three general topic "areas" the...

8 years ago


The advanced level is not really any different to the normal stream except you get a more exclusive...

8 years ago


Overall a well-taught and fair course, although there is a hell of a lot of content to learn as it c...

8 years ago


This subject was very interesting, and it was organised in a superb way! I appreciated the fact that...

8 years ago


The teachings in lectures were splendid, however the assessment format during the semester is atroci...

8 years ago


Really interesting subject, a large amount of content to memorize but if you are interested it shoul...

8 years ago


I was shocked to come see the reviews on this subject to find a review of 100% positive feedback, al...

8 years ago


Very do-able exercises and easy to follow lectures which prepare you well for exams if you pay atten...

8 years ago


Very content heavy to be prepared to rote learn a lot! Same difficulty as BIOL1003, because you d...

8 years ago


Difficult content but achievable if you put in the work! The first half of the course is pre-calcul...

8 years ago


This course gets hard and fast very unexpectedly. I think my biggest tip to everyone doing this co...

8 years ago


If you haven't done any previous chemistry, kiss your nights and weekends goodbye. Even though I sur...

8 years ago


A great intro into human biology. I found it interesting and manageable even though I had no previou...

8 years ago


Manageable subject with clear teaching. I had no chem or maths background and found it alright. DEFI...

8 years ago


A great subject if you are looking for a non-calculus alternative to the USYD 3 cp maths units. Keep...

8 years ago


I think there were too many labs during the semester. Maybe one per fortnight is a bit more reasonab...

8 years ago


I suggest you take this unit if you scored at least a Band 5 or better in General Maths, did 2 Unit...

8 years ago


This unit continues on with a lot of the Maths 2 Unit HSC work so if you have solid knowledge in tha...

8 years ago


This is a fantastic unit for those who aren't so good with maths. Most of the questions involve inte...

8 years ago


Covers everything you could ask for when thinking of the title "Human Biology". However, having said...

8 years ago


The course stucture and teaching ability was very impressive. The pace is very easy to keep up with...

8 years ago


Fantastic content and very interesting. It is quite challenging and does go quite far past what they...

8 years ago

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