- Uni. of Sydney
- Subjects
- Law
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- 679 USYD Law ratings and reviews
Latest activity on Law subjects at Uni. of Sydney...
Good foundational unit for future law subjects, but be prepared for being given more cases than nece...
7 years ago
While the subject is useful to understand the separation of powers, constitutional principles etc. I...
7 years ago
While the subject may be dry, it taught me useful skills that i've used in all my internships and la...
7 years ago
Loved it - stay on top of it or you will absolutely hate it. Hated by all international students...
7 years ago
An introduction to the legal world in Australia that will test your ability to adapt your writing an...
7 years ago
David is an expert and very good at what he does - you do need to buy notes though because he does n...
7 years ago
Fed Con is an interesting course that is sometimes taught poorly (with notable exception). It can fe...
7 years ago
Hard, but interesting. Have fun with Professor Nottage's 'comparative asides'.
7 years ago
A basic short course which teaches necessary research knowledge, but don't expect it to be fun or ex...
7 years ago
Yea, too much in too little time. The subject is not to hard but it's just a mind-fuck trying to fig...
7 years ago
Do not recommend. You try and learn about all 10 (they don't count East Timor) countries in SEA in 1...
7 years ago
Straightforward well taught class but introduces the foundational concepts of law so it can be intim...
8 years ago
We were taught in 2x2 hour seminar sessions with classes of around 25 people as opposed to the usual...
9 years ago
Fairly boring topic, but necessary nonetheless. Tip: make sure you're not in Irene's class
9 years ago
Loved this course! I had the author of the textbook as my conductor and he was extremely engaging, m...
9 years ago
The best unit so far. The way Wayne Courtney presented his lectures was the most helpful thing in so...
9 years ago
It is a good unit to get some general overview of the law, the issues and theories around legal syst...
9 years ago
Amazing unit. Teaching was great and content was very interesting. But the unit is very very heavy o...
9 years ago
Its an alright unit. Just gets you started into studying law. At most times you will feel like you h...
9 years ago
Self study and daily study is key, can not waste a single minute.
9 years ago
This is a great subject if taken by a good teacher. Only the important concepts of each case are req...
10 years ago
The teacher is absolutely fantastic - engaging, entertaining, clearly knowledgeable but also approac...
10 years ago
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