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  • 1,168 USYD Arts ratings and reviews

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John Mikler is a great lecturer, the content in interesting and not too difficult. very enjoyable un...

8 years ago


Quite an interesting subject. Would recommend students who are doing cultural studies,sociology and...

8 years ago


If you want to look at the historical/political side of economics, then this course is for you. Alth...

8 years ago


A good unit to get into economics. Stephen Whelan is a great lecturer who explains the unit's concep...

8 years ago


Lecturers are really passionate about this subject, the assessments are quite straightforward and no...

8 years ago


Alyssa is a very sociable lecturer who made the class engaging and fun! The course is easy to follow...

8 years ago


This is the hardest unit among GOVT1000s. Good lecture and reading. It talks about most of the class...

8 years ago


Not hard to get distinction. but there are plenty of reading. a bit boring when it talks about susta...

8 years ago


not hard to get distinction, the lecturer may be boring but his notes and tutorials are great. a goo...

8 years ago


Well designed first year theory subject. Dr Stewart Jackson knows his stuff, and is great at explain...

8 years ago


Great subject. Gil was pretty nice.

8 years ago


This is an excellent course for gaining understanding of practical magazine production from both a d...

8 years ago


An intellectually stimulating subject. Integrates Derrida's 'Of Hospitality' and Anderson's Imagined...

8 years ago


Brilliant subject! Highly engaging tutorials and lectures. Covered a variety of theoretical approach...

8 years ago


Terrible terrible subject. I'm doing well at it and it's pretty much the same thing as SCLG1001. But...

8 years ago


50% of my tut failed the first writing task. My tutor was a dick and gave shitty feedback. Jingdong...

8 years ago


Peter Chen is amazing. This subject was awesome - guest lecturers every week and a broad range of to...

8 years ago


A nice look at contemporary critiques of mainstream macroeconomic theory (capitalism is a macroecono...

8 years ago


My favourite subject I've done at uni. And I'm a GOVT major. John Gagne was amazing, sadly I don't t...

8 years ago


better than ECOP1003 in terms of actually going into a bit of depth, Bill is pretty good but kinda u...

8 years ago


Not bad - not amazing. Nice history and overview of economic thought. The HJ Chang book is great. Wh...

8 years ago


Great intro to philosophy. Metaphysics and Ethics were as expected but Aesthetics was new to me and...

8 years ago


Interesting subject, tutors are all decent and topics are interesting but the lecturer was pretty bo...

8 years ago


The lectures were quite dry but still worth attending as you'll pick up on a bunch of things that wi...

8 years ago

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