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An easy course if you have a solid math background. The contents are useful for future economics cou...

7 years ago


ECON1005 is a solid foundation for studying economic policy, and is distinguished by its emphasis on...

7 years ago


GOVT2228 opens your eyes in fundamental ways. It is taught engagingly, and the course materials prov...

7 years ago


A decent overview of epistemology, political philosophy and discourses of 'the self'. Epistemology w...

7 years ago


A good overview of metaphysics, ethics and aesthetics. Individual perspectives are allowed to shine...

7 years ago


GOVT1104 is a well-taught and interesting political theory course. Dr. Jackson is engaging, funny, a...

7 years ago


Nick Rowley certainly seems to have revitalised GOVT2552 since 2014. All of the content is interesti...

7 years ago


Would of been better if lecturer did not just read the powerpoint :)

7 years ago


Sebastian is an amazing lecturer! 100% recommend :)

7 years ago


Compulsory unit (if you commenced your degree 2017 or earlier and haven't switched over to the new c...

7 years ago


This is a macroeconomics class. Interesting at times, though boring for the large majority.

7 years ago


Lecturer was informative, helpful and engaging. First-principles subject that is a must for any pols...

7 years ago


FAVOURITE COURSE THIS YEAR. I used to hate politics but this course really reshaped my perspective a...

7 years ago


An okay unit. Doesn't go into much depth at all about the twentieth century (briefly touches on majo...

7 years ago


Very worthwhile subject. Tutors and lecturers were passionate, informed and very helpful, and the re...

7 years ago


VERY theoretical and heavy on the readings, so it was very dry and boring. Assessment tasks weren't...

7 years ago


Godfrey-Smith is hilarious. The textbook is really well written and easy to follow.

7 years ago


Pretty easy, but yet really engaging material. Really great conversations in tutorials which mean yo...

7 years ago


Make sure that you are interested not only in the historical/battle and wars of the expansion of the...

7 years ago


Good course, and a requirement for studying Archeology if you attend USYD. Make sure to review the l...

7 years ago


This subject is awesome for myth-lovers! Even if you don't have a lot of previous knowledge, but are...

7 years ago


very fun class, teaches you basic japanese and has amiable tutors/lecturers. culture is slightly bor...

7 years ago


Overall it was an interesting unit, particularly the topics later in the course, and tutorials and l...

7 years ago


A good introduction to the spheres of international relations. However, the unit outline and require...

7 years ago

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