Hey, I'm Gabriella from Central Coast at The Uni. of Newcastle! My studies are in Education and Arts.
I was last active on StudentVIP 1 month ago.

Member since: Jan 17, 2013
Gabriella's Textbooks
- Indirect Imaging
- Introduction to programming in Java
- Data abstraction & problem solving with Java
- Mastering C
- Educational Psychology
- Introduction to Research Methods in Education
- Making Sense of Mass Education
- Maximising Learning Outcomes in Diverse Classrooms
- Effective Teaching Strategies
- Shooling, Identity and Society Pearson Original Source Book - Entire Book
- Classroom Management
- The Puncher & Wattmann Anthology of Australian Poetry
- Introduction to Solid State Physics
- Shriver & Atkins Inorganic Chemistry
- Chemistry
- New Senior Mathematics
- SI Chemical Data
- Quantum Mechanics
- Quantum Electrodynamics
- Learn to Program with C++
- Hacking For Dummies
- C++ Primer Plus, 5E