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The latest second hand textbooks at University of the Sunshine Coast...
Authors: Jacqueline Birt
1 year agoAuthors: Margaret Barnes, Jennifer Rowe
1 year agoAuthors: Trisha M. Greenhalgh, John Bidewell, Elaine Crisp, Amanda Lambros, Jane Warland
1 year agoAuthors: McInerney, Dennis M
1 year agoAuthors: Michael Arthur-Kelly, Gordon Lyons, Nancy Butterfield
1 year agoAuthors: Peter Ferguson, Nicola Johnson, Sally Godinho, Amanda Keddie, Will Letts, Jenny MacKay, Michele McGill, Julianne Moss, Mike Nagel, Paul Nicholson, Melissa Vick
1 year agoAuthors: Kerri-Lee Krause, Sandra Bochner, Sue Duchesne
1 year agoAuthors: Frederic H. Martini, Judi L. Nath, Edwin F. Bartholomew
1 year agoAuthors: Elaine N. Marieb, Patricia Brady Wilhelm, Jon B. Mallatt
1 year agoAuthors: Robert V. Kail, John C. Cavanaugh
1 year agoAuthors: Helen Bourke-Taylor, Stephen Isbel, Reinie Cordier
1 year agoUSC textbooks by subject area: