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Authors: R. Ian Faulconbridge, Michael Ryan
3 weeks agoAuthors: David S. Moore, George P. McCabe, Bruce A. Craig
3 weeks agoAuthors: Peter Williams ((Faculty of Built Environment, UNSW))
3 weeks agoAuthors: Miraca U. M. Gross, P. Cornelius, Bronwyn Sleap, Marilyn Pretorius, Bronwyn Macleod
3 weeks agoAuthors: T. H. G. Megson, Thomas Henry Gordon Megson
4 weeks agoAuthors: Butt, P
4 weeks agoAuthors: Jeannie Marie Paterson, Andrew Robertson, Arlen Duke
4 weeks agoAuthors: Julia Davis, Marco Rizzi, Kate Offer
4 weeks agoAuthors: David Brown, David Farrier, Luke McNamara, Alex Steel, Melanie Schwartz, Thalia Anthony, Arlie Loughnan
4 weeks agoUNSW textbooks by subject area: