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Authors: Noel Burton-Roberts, Taylor & Francis Group
5 days agoAuthors: Sherris, Michael
5 days agoAuthors: Judith Bannister, Anna Olijnyk, Stephen McDonald
5 days agoAuthors: Judith Bannister, Anna Olijnyk
5 days agoAuthors: Michael Bryan, Vicki Vann, Susan Barkehall Thomas
5 days agoAuthors: Michael Bryan, Simone Degeling, Scott Donald, Vicki Vann
5 days agoAuthors: Gravetter, Frederick J.
6 days agoAuthors: Findlay, Bruce
6 days agoAuthors: Association, American Psychological
6 days agoAuthors: Reisberg
6 days agoAuthors: Robert J. Hoffnung, Cat Jeffrey Pausé, Rosanne Burton Smith, Alison Hine, Kelvin Seifert, Lynn Ward
6 days agoAuthors: Ruth Reynolds
6 days agoAuthors: Mervyn Hyde AM, Shelley Dole, Kathleen Tait
6 days agoAuthors: John De Nobile, Gordon Lyons (Lecturer and researcher), Michael Arthur-Kelly
6 days agoUNSW textbooks by subject area: