Australian Tax Casebook

Stephen Barkoczy

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Australian Tax Casebook

Stephen Barkoczy

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Australian Tax Casebook

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Core Tax Legislation and Study Guide 2014

Stephen Barkoczy

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$55 per hour

I'm a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and have completed Masters of Professional Accounting from t...


The unit content focuses on taxation key concept with the first half focusing on individuals tax return while the last six weeks briefly touch on other entities including company, trust, partnership, GST. The research assignment is more relevant to the content of the first six week with asses-sable income, deduction, taxable income and capital gain while the final exam is more about taxation for companies and franking account, GST, partnership.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017

As a part time assistant tax accountant/ auditor, I have to say this course helps me a lot in practice. My coleague even borrowed my textbook for TABL5551 to get a better idea in what's new in this area.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2015