Global Business Environment
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View all MGMT1101 notesMGMT1101 - FULL HD COURSE NOTES (92)
MGMT1101 - FULL HD COURSE NOTES (92) Covers ALL lecture content CLEARLY and CONCISELY with EXAMPL...
27 pages, 9077 words
MGMT1101 Full Notes
- all lecture notes, tutorial information (in asterisks) and textbook chapters covered from weeks 1-...
73 pages, 22061 words
Global Business Environment Notes
Includes Textbook Notes as well as content from lectures Topics Included: 1. Globalisation 2. E...
125 pages, 41510 words
HD MGMT1101 Notes
1. International Business – What Is It? 2. Multinational Firms in a Globalised World 3. State vs...
67 pages, 25520 words
MGMT1101 Global Business Environment Complete Subject Notes
Don't waste your time with the lectures! These Distinction notes have everything you'll need for the...
56 pages, 25899 words
2019 MGMT1101 Global Business Environment Entire Course Notes!
These detailed typed notes cover the entire course content from Week 1 - 10. It includes images with...
39 pages, 8314 words
MGMT 1101 HD Final Exam Summary Notes
This is the summary note that is very helpful for the final exam and it summarizes the most importan...
19 pages, 6471 words
MGMT1101 Full Course Notes (84, DISTINCTION)
Notes covering the ENTIRE MGMT1101 course, including the final exam. Received a Distinction with a f...
26 pages, 7918 words
MGMT1101 Global Business Course Review
Summary of notes for the semester. Perfect for exam study/preparation. Contents Globalisation T...
9 pages, 2689 words
Become a tutor for MGMT1101Edward
$48 per hour
Experienced tutor with both domestic and international students, fluent in English and Mandarin. Cur...
$25 per hour
Stressing about an upcoming assessment? Not to fear! Fi is here :) I have just submitted by PhD...
$25 per hour
PhD scholarship holder || Casual Tutor/Lecturer || Award-winning teacher || Crazy Dog Lover Total...
$90 per hour
$15 per hour
Test Prep | Notes Preparation | Essay Planning I graduated from University of Sydney, where I ear...
$100 per hour
Top Ranked 17+ great reviews, experienced, Staff Tutor@UTS, D avg, exam focused, tailored, honours s...
$30 per hour
I've completed master's in aviation management. I've completed bachelor's in aviation management....
- easy but just dense content - moderate to harsh marking - interesting for students in arts, international studies, global business, cultural exchanges, etc - MC quiz was a drag at the end but lots of rote learning expected - not useful for anyone not interested, but good general knowledge for trivia - overall achieved 86, so D/HD is attainable with decent to hard effort!
Anonymous, Term 1, 2020
Very very nice sub
Anonymous, Term 1, 2019
Overall great subject! Content was pretty understandable, not hard-hitting material. It was just hard to understand my tutor’s strong accent though
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017
The lectures are kinda meh, the lecturer makes it hard to want to pay attention but I love the subject itself so if you're into global biz you should definitely take this subject. There is no final exam so BONUS! My tutor Anton Klarin, is top notch, very friendly and easy to talk to.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016
Simple and straightforward course. Lectures can be quite dry however they are important to attend to avoid surprises in the final exam and to get hints for the memos. Prepare memos ahead of time and ensure journal articles are used to achieve well.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2015
Easy Subject. Encourage discussions in tutor class
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2015
Great subject with easy to understand concepts. If you studied Economics for the HSC, this subject should be a breeze. I particularly enjoyed Amir as a tutor.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2015
Easy to understand content. Not much work throughout semester just a group presentation and 2 multiple choice exams lasting an hour and finally 3 x 500 word essays.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2014
Really easy subject