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Absolutely abysmal course with no organisation nor any actual care to provide quality teaching. Thought i was having a stroke trying to watch the prerecorded lectures where there are more errors than slides. Found recorded lectures from 2013 with unsurprisingly very similar slides but at least the lecturer was coherent. They put "design" in the course name because everything in the course is half-baked and your expected to make up for it. Lectures were the hardest part to follow not because the content is hard which it isn't but i spent 75% of the time trying to figure out what the lecturer was supposed to say. Errors are often caught but for some reason the correction is edited out. First assignment was great, used the covered course content and the assignment mostly made sense. Takes heaps of time though. Ate up my whole flexweek. Second assignment was easily one of the worst assignments i've seen. When a design brief requires more assumptions than the number of given requirements you should question if this is reasonable project to do let alone assign for students. They said you dont have to make all the assumptions but unless you want to graduate in the same decade yeah you do. The lecture also told us she made the assignments take heaps of time since most of us don't end up having time to attempt all the tutorial questions. Ye the math isn't mathing there. The content for the assignment was questionably covered. The logic simulation/programming we were required to use is covered in essentially only one lab in which the lab workbook seemed to assume some of this stuff would be covered in the lectures. Nothing about using several FSMs or multiple input FSMs in coding was covered at all. Labs were enjoyable and challenging and honestly the best part about the course. The lab demos carried all of us, answered every question we had and helped us deal with the temperamental coding program. Honestly felt like the labs helped me fully understand most of the course content. Final was also terrible. They said do the past papers which seemed manageable and then they examined almost everything that wasn't in the past papers. Similar to the midterm, a lot of errors are in the worked solutions which doesn't give a lot of confidence to those currently sitting the course. Very poorly organised course. Couldnt even get an accurate assessment outline on moodle. Even in the final past papers i could see they try a new type of question, realise it doesnt make sense after the exam, fix a little bit and put in the next terms exam. So considering that most questions for my final seemed new, i don't feel confident at all. Im just disappointed that they using iterative deign on a damn uni course. This is supposed to be one of the top engineering unis in AUS? Definitely worth getting the textbook if you want to actually learn anything. There is quite a bit of content so read ahead and start your assignments early. For exams, they award of lot of marks just for working so attempt everything even if you don't know how to do it. Also, having a windows or linux pc will make assignments and labs go much smoother otherwise just use myaccess for the program. Be prepared for your wam to drop :(

Anonymous, Term 1, 2024

That is an interesting course. You need to read all lec notes or relevant topics before you go into lab for questions at the end of lab. If you understand the topics, you will find the exam questions easy, just try to understand the topics.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018