Crime, Criminality and Criminal Justice

Rob White

For sale by Milla for $90

Crime, Criminality and Criminal Justice

White, Rob

For sale by Tarni Lynch for $10

Crime, Criminality and Criminal Justice

Santina Perrone and Rob White

For sale by Jade for $30

CRIM1010 Exam Prep Summary

Topics Covered: Measuring Crime; Uses and Misuses of Official Crime Statistics; Victims and Victimol...

11 pages, 2695 words

HD CRIM1010 Notes

These notes are for the CRIM1010 course offered at UNSW. Notes include lectures, relevant diagra...

23 pages, 10010 words


Comprehensive lecture notes designed for easy use, coming with concise in-depth content on criminolo...

22 pages, 7118 words

CRIM1010. Criminology: An Introduction.

All notes from weeks 1-11 on lectures (12th week did not have any content), along with my own readin...

79 pages, 21706 words

Course Notes - CRIM1010

Comprehensive lecture notes designed to be easy to use and search through. Some information conta...

146 pages, 15523 words


$30 per hour

## First session FREE ## PhD Candidate + Scholarship Recipient || Award-Winning Tutor || Exam Pre...


$25 per hour

Stressing about an upcoming assessment? Not to fear! Fi is here :) I have just submitted by PhD...


$60 per hour

Work in Criminal law field as a lawyer. I tutor 1v1 online or in the Oran Park area in person....


$25 per hour

PhD scholarship holder || Casual Tutor/Lecturer || Award-winning teacher || Crazy Dog Lover Total...


Mixed feelings

Anonymous, Term 1, 2021

I enjoyed having Jane as a lecturer as she was engaging, funny and made the 9am lecture a bit more bearable. However, the assessments tasks for this course were poorly designed and extremely vague in what was required to achieve a good mark, my tutor was even confused by the marking scheme that was given to us due to the lack of information. There were also only 2 assessments and no final exam, which meant that each assessment weighed heavily, making it difficult to achieve a distinction/high distinction. The only positive about the assessments was the flexibility in choosing a topic that you are personally interested in. Content varied, was either interesting or painfully boring. Don't make the same mistake that I did of scheduling your tutorial on the same day as the lecture as you will have to attend the 9am lecture in order to understand the tutorial. On the plus side, you can skip readings and taking notes as the assessments are almost solely based on your own research and there is no final exam.

Anonymous, Term 1, 2019

Really interesting subject. Would recommend making summaries as you go because it’s super content heavy

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018

Amazing subject. Was taught by the funnest tutor ever - Ms Piper. If you end up in her class you’re one of the lucky ones. Such easy-to-understand content and really interesting at times too. If you need help with this subject from someone who’s completed it with flying colours, just search for tutors under its course code, and find me. Ariel :)

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017

Super interesting and I loved the lecturers.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017

Extremely interesting and a good introduction to criminology. Good subject for first years, however is very content heavy. If you're interested you should be fine with the work though.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017

not fun don't be fooled

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017

This is a great course and the lecturer/tutor Laura was really nice. There is a lot of content to learn but it's really interesting - it was a good mix of the history of criminology as well as current criminal justice issues such as cyber crime and state crime. If you do this course, stay on top of the readings and make sure you're thinking about examples and news stories that relate to the topics - it will make it so much easier for you when it gets to the exam because nearly every question asked for examples.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016

Don't pick Sanja as your tutor as she is an irrationally harsh marker. She takes marks off for the stupidest reasons such as if you cite the wrong author in your final exam. She will take not just a few marks off for that, but so much that your exam mark is reduced to a measly pass when it was well worth a distinction/HD.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2012

Mixed feelings about this class, it was enjoyable as I chose it as an elective but I'm not sure if it taught me a whole lot. Of course part of that is my fault as I didn't take it as seriously as my required subjects but it was interesting and gave insight into such a broad field.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2012