Higher Chemistry B: Elements, Compounds And Life
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View all CHEM1041 notesCHEM1041 Course Notes Mark:89
Entire course notes for CHEM1041. Written under learning outcomes structure. Great for finals revi...
29 pages, 6761 words
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Hi! I'm an experienced tutor for assessment preparation (pay AFTER results), including assignments a...
$80 per hour
Hey! I am a Ph.D researcher in chemistry, and I'm capable of providing comprehensive instruction on...
$60 per hour
TOP STUDENT IN CHEM 1A AND CHEM 1B | EXCELLENT REVIEWS | Best First-year tutor for Chemistry | UNS...
$35 per hour
I have a Master's degree in IT with a focus on Data Analytics and Machine learning from UNSW. As a D...
$50 per hour
**Chemistry and Pharmacology Tutoring offered.** Interested in getting help with a lecture you ca...
$80 per hour
BEST IN CHEM | PhD | Ex-lab demonstator | Textbook Co-Author Awarded 5 prizes and scholarships, inc...
This course it particularly useful for industrial chemistry students as it outlines a large range of industrial reactions.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016
More interesting and challenging than first semester chemistry, but definitely worth it! Labs are also more fun to do.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016
Better than first semester chemistry.