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DON'T DO THIS SUBJECT IF YOU WANT A WAM BOOSTER. It is not the easy-breezy subject that people of the past have said it is. The marking is harsh, there is no rubric for any of the assessments except for the blog and to top it all off the tutorials are mind-numbingly dull! The assessments are also weird, one of them was a peer review where the tutors marked us on our feedback on our peer's blogs, and the highest anyone got was a 75%-80%. Typical arts subject marking where no one can get 100%, but for useless essays and a supposed "breadth" subject is ridiculous.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2022

My god, was this subject painful. Im not sure where the positive reviews are coming from, perhaps it was better when you could do the subject in person. James the tutor likes to use the first 10 minutes or so of the tutorial as a support group, asking students how they have been etc.. I have never done such a useless subject. The readings are irrelevant, the assignments could have been interesting but somehow are not. It taught me nothing that I could apply to real life that I didn't already know. One of the lessons for one week was basically 'dont stereotype when travelling'. Wow, thanks, a great insight right there. There were a few theories I picked up, that was about it. I would say do it for an easy subject but Im honestly not sure its worth it even for that

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2021

Very fun subject to take

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2017

This is by far the easiest subject I have done, though, there is a bit of reading for this subject. The tutorials are engaging and you'll be assessed based on your participation. Overall, easy to get good marks.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016

I unexpectedly enjoyed this subject! Heard it was an easy subject to score H1 but thought it would be boring. Glad to be proven wrong.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2017