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PLAN10001 Cities Past and Future: Notes and Exam Revision

Comprehensive notes covering the key ideas and case studies within the course. Topics covered:...

53 pages, 14201 words

Cities Past and Future: KEY TERMS

In this set of notes, it includes all KEY TERMS from past exams in section 1. It also includes other...

10 pages, 2498 words


Notes from week 1 to 12 for Cities Past and Future Includes: - Relevant images - Dot point notes...

39 pages, 11358 words


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Thoroughly agree with 2019 review here - now in this class Sem 1 2024 sad to report nothing changed. Lectures are incompetent at a local highschool committee meeting level - really surprised by such a waste of opportunity. Yes, you can pass, not going to take a lot of hours per week. But choose something else if you can.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2024

Lectures were very badly delivered and confusing to watch. During lectures they would skim over large parts, but then go into very opinionated detail about obscure irrelevant things. Regularly repeating points in later lectures from earlier ones. Did not come out of tutorials or lectures feeling like I had learnt much, especially compared to other subjects were we covered so much information each time. Exam advice was really lacking, but the first two assignments are pretty standard, not too difficult either. My tutor even regularly admitted that they found the readings boring. Overall this subject is not too difficult, even if it does feel like a waste of time.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2019