Physics for Biomedicine
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View all PHYC10007 notesH1 notes - Physics for Biomed PHYC10007
Really helpful guide to the content, particularly equations, in this subject. It can get very co...
74 pages, 14000 words
PHYC10007 - Exam Revision SUMMARY NOTES
Very detailed, notes from lectures as well as text book for added clarification. Boxes around all e...
58 pages, 18131 words
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About Me: Hi, I'm Fred - nice to meet you! I have a PhD in theoretical particle physics from the...
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I received my PhD at The University of Melbourne followed by M.Sc. and B.Sc. all in Mechanical Engin...
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Maths Graduate with First Class Honours| 5 Years, 3000+ hours of tutoring experience| 99.80 ATAR| Fr...
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First lesson half price. MSc (Physics), BSc (Physics), DipMathSc (Pure Mathematics), University of M...
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Experienced tutor and Biomedicine graduate INTRO Hi there! -My name's Russel and I have graduated...
The online pracs were really badly run, you just get put in a breakout room with another student for 2 hours straight. I could only really ask the demonstrator one or two questions per prac, and she still didn't really help me understand anything. They're marked fairly though. Online tutorials were okay but there was really low participation in mine (cameras off, mics off) which made it hard to engage, though that may not be the case for everyone. Overall, it is a challenging subject but an H1 is attainable if you put in the time and effort. Make sure to do lots of practice questions and past exams because just understanding the lecture slides won't get you far, you need to apply it to do well.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2020
First half part delivered by David is great, second half part delivered by Elizabeth got really messy and unstrcutrued, basically read offs the textbook.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2020
Having read previous reviews about this subject, I was expecting the worst for this subject but in the end, I felt that a good grade was achievable if you put in the effort. You'll need to be proactive and self-motivated enough to do the textbook and past paper questions - unlike the BIOL subjects in first year, simply understanding what's on the lecture slides will not guarantee a good score, problem-solving is really important for this subject! My advice would be to go to tutorials, ask the Laby Centre tutors questions, and just do a lot of questions! It is a hard subject, but as it's required to complete your course, it's better to stay positive and think about how to get the best score you can. Good luck!
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2019
IMO not as bad a subject as people make it out to be, but still, more to be complained about than praised. Pracs weren't that interesting, I didn't really learn much, and the marks were really dependent on your demonstrator. In class demonstrations were pretty cool but I feel like they were added merely to prevent people from falling asleep. I did not find them helpful at all for the final exam. Tutors were really helpful though, remember to make use of them. Another tip: Khan academy + do tut and practice exam questions
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018
A 'messy' subject in general. Pracs were initially very stressful but you sort of get the hang of it after a few pracs. We didnt really get valuable feedback on lab reports making it hard to understand exactly why we were losing marks. Prac marks also depend a lot on who your demonstrator is. The take-home prac felt quite unnecessary since some of us did it before the theory was covered in lectures, but I have to admit, it was sort of fun. Homework assignments, although tedious and took me hours to do, actually did help in making sure we looked over the content. (didnt ensure that we understood it though). Some tutors, I've heard, were so good you didnt even have to go for lectures, and others, like mine, were completely useless and only added to the confusion. I would highly recommend a study group. The exam was tough, (except for the questions that were repeated from previous exams) but the scaling was a life saver and the reason I was able to scrape a H1.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018
Wow, I don't even know where to start from, this subject is truly a nightmare. This course is extremely poorly organised. This course is intended to make us GAMSAT ready by teaching VCE physics but I think while organising this course, they forgot that VCE kids had 2 years to study the content we are expected to learn in 12 weeks and 3 hours each week given none of us had any kind of physics background but all of us are doing biomedicine which in itself is pretty stressful. First lecturer (week 1 to week 6) just read a list of formulas out of slide without actually explaining any concept. They just skipped over vectors which I believe is the foundation of physics and therefore I was struggling from day 1. Practical classes were no good either. The fact that we had to write an entire lab report in 2.5 hours was very exhausting. These classes just compounded extra stress as everyone was mainly focused on writing as much as possible before the time runs out. My demonstrator marked our reports extremely harshly on top of all this. Chem labs were 1000 times better than this.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018
Most horrible and challenging subjects throughout the semester. Good luck.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018
Really horrible subject. I believed I would have enjoyed physics if this were run better, but it was really atrocious. As said before answers weren't given to some practice exam questions and when there were answers there were numerous mistakes. The first lecturer was absolutely terrible and wouldn't explain anything + wouldn't put up the slides before the lectures. As someone who annotates the slides to save time, this meant that I stopped going to lectures and fell really behind. I decided to use the textbook to learn and this was far superior to the lectures but was still hard to understand with no physics background. My tip is to buy someone's summary notes and just work from them. Oh, and the exam recycled the questions from past years (even a 14 mark essay which I purposely didn't study as "it was on last year's so it won't be on this year's!!"~~wrong!) Overall terrible subject, just teach yourself.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018
Practice exam answers included: "see lecture slides". Yeah, that sums up the subject. Pity that the subject was so poorly run. I feel like I could have enjoyed physics otherwise. Lectures were often confusing. Lecture slides were hard to understand. Tutor was really bad.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018
Worst run subject in my opinion. Content was interesting but the delivery of the content made it extremely difficult to succeed and do well. Sometimes I was better off staying at home and learning the content myself.