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View all MKTG30008 notesNeuromarketing Complete Study Notes w. Explanations & Links
This is a comprehensive guide covering all topics in Neuromarketing. It includes: - definitions...
18 pages, 3236 words
Neuromarketing H1 Notes - Easy to understand, full course covered, lots of examples
All examinable topics have been covered in full. Clear summaries with concise definitions and useful...
34 pages, 10000 words
Neuromarketing detailed weekly lecture notes
A highly detailed document that contains weekly lecture notes, with helpful tables, charts and diagr...
44 pages, 10380 words
MKTG30008 Neuromarketing Lecture Notes
Notes taken during the study of MKTG30008 Neuromarketing in Semester 2 of 2017.
50 pages, 18000 words
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Stressing about an upcoming assessment? Not to fear! Fi is here :) I have just submitted by PhD...
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we offer expert tutoring across a diverse range of subjects and fields. Our team of experienced tuto...
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Awesome tutor || Homework helper || Cramming expert || PhD scholarship holder ** Learning is a...
A subject that trains you to view marketing differently! 100% recommend. Not a wam booster per se, but you can attain good grades if you put in the effort. Exams are manageable
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2019
Really enjoyed this marketing subject, allowed me to use previous knowledge of psychology insights and link with core marketing theory. Offers a great perspective of a growing field of market research! Lecturer works directly in this field so is extremely knowledgable and passionate, thus very interesting to learn from. Would highly recommend taking this subject.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018
Super interesting subject that goes into just the right amount of detail. The theory is straightforward, the difficulty is in linking and applying to real marketing situations (that's where all the marks are awarded in assignments and in the exam). The only downside is the fact that the lecturer didn't really communicate with his tutors, as a result there was a lot of inconsistent marking and a poorly coordinated subject.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016
Very interesting topics discussed in this class! Sometimes I felt the lecturer and tutors should have structured the content of the subject a bit better. Assignments are a lot of work and the exam is quite difficult - but doable. Overall, a great subject and new & interesting insights in marketing.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2015
This subject is amazing. I'm a big fan of marketing and this subject brings in fresh new perspectives on how the human brain works in respond to marketing stimuli. It's the one subject where I actually LEARN a lot from.