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Full Summary Notes - Managing Strategic Change

These MGMT30005 (Managing Strategic Change) notes contain detailed and comprehensive examples and ex...

44 pages, 6300 words


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Very artsy subject lots of reading and concepts - not much practical application. The lecturer can't seem to finish a lecture on time ever and even if he did, it's almost impossible to learn anything given the tangents he goes on and the unclear slides. Overall felt like I didn't learn much about anything. The only learning experience was about how frustrating group work can be - especially when you're in the same group for all 4 assessments.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2019

WORST SUBJECT I have ever taken! DO NOT TAKE THIS SUBJECT! 1. The contents taught are barely related to "managing strategic change." 2. Both the lecturer and the tutors are extremely unfair and very biased towards their favourite students. (i.e. cutting other group's presentation in exchange to fully listen to their favourite students' presentation & no penalty for their favourite groups who exceeded the word limit by 20%). 3. There is no marking rubric for this subjects' written assignments, and if you ask them to clarify some questions you have, they will tell you "I cannot tell you because it's what assessments are made for —— to assess your ability to understand the question."

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2019