Analysing Professional Communication
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Experienced tutor with both domestic and international students, fluent in English and Mandarin. Cur...
Mark - 85 (H1). 2025 SUMMER SUBJECT. I thoroughly enjoyed this subject. It was logically organised in that you had the first week of lectures walking you through the basic mechanisms of conversation analysis, and then the second being a direct application of those mechanisms in various practical settings (teaching, law, medicine, journalism, etc.). The quizzes were very doable and essentially free marks if you had paid attention to the corresponding lecture. The assignments were bound to be interesting given that you could choose to write about whichever discipline you took a liking to! The readings were all generally easy to follow, but sometimes hard to keep up with. The tutorials were all online and did not require much effort, so you really only have two hours of classes every day for two weeks. Dr Michael Davey was a great lecturer, probably even one of the best I've ever had. He very eloquently conveyed the concepts in an engaging manner, and was a fair marker in my experience. He also gave thorough feedback on the written assignment which was a great learning opportunity. I would recommend this subject to anyone looking for an interesting and doable summer subject!