Mechanics & Materials
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View all MCEN30017 notesMCEN30017 Mechanics & Materials Exam Notes
This set of notes will accompany you nicely whilst completing the subject MCEN30017 Mechanics & Mate...
34 pages, 7483 words
Summary for the Materials part - MCEN30017
Summary of the Materials in the neatly way and easy understanding
39 pages, 6875 words
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$40 per hour
Accreditation: - Master of Engineering (Mechanical) - The University of Melbourne (UniMelb) - Ba...
$90 per hour
I received my PhD at The University of Melbourne followed by M.Sc. and B.Sc. all in Mechanical Engin...
Interesting content and very engaging lecturers. Could be coordinated slightly better. The subject is broken into 3 parts each with their own exams/assignments. The final end of year exam is only based on the 3rd component of this subject (materials) which made it very manageable.