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Just finished doing it this year. The overall experience for the subject has been great, especially for Project 1 and Project 2 (Group Project), which gives students the opportunity to applied the skills they've learned over the years into actual use. However, make sure you find students that are responsible as your group mate for project 2. The math assignment set up by the lecturer is a pain in the ass, and the lectures are basically a review of Machine Learning and Statistics. And I want to give a big shout-out to Akira, he is probably the nicest tutor I've ever had during undergrad, don't know if he is still tutoring next year.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2021

Pretty great way to end the Data Science major. The lectures are just a recap of everything you know up to this point; there's no "coursework content" in the lectures. Assessment are two task based assignments and a final group project comprised of multiple submittable parts. The two assignments cover visualisation and statistical modelling, where you produce reports of your in-depth findings on a given dataset. This semesters final project involved forming a group, picking your own research goal and getting to work towards achieving it with your group. A good group makes all the difference. Guest lecturers are more aimed at preparing you for the workforce, with the final two giving an insight into data science in the industry and landing a job. This is definitely a subject worth putting a large amount of time and effort into, because you will be rewarded for it.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2020

A very informative subject to make an overall great learning experience. It honestly feels like a combination of both Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (the best of both worlds and how "data science" should be). Project is very fun and enjoyable if you love applying different techniques you've learnt over the previous subjects Specifically, we had to create a game playing agent to act as a Taxi driver using real world data. Group project is very dependent on how good your team works together, so find peers that have a similar work ethic as you!

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2019