Applied Mathematical Modelling
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View all MAST30030 notesEquation Sheet - Dynamical Systems and Method of Characteristics
Summary sheet of the key equations and concepts needed for the first two topics: dynamical systems a...
2 pages, 212 words
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$40 per hour
Accreditation: - Master of Engineering (Mechanical) - The University of Melbourne (UniMelb) - Ba...
$90 per hour
▪Free trial session available. ▪Qualifications: Master’s in Pure Mathematics; over 8 years of tutor...
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Tutoring both online and in person available. I have a Ph.D. in control engineering, a mater degree...
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Dux and experienced tutor offering help to excel in your FINAL EXAMS. I offer packages to help you p...
Fantastically run subject by Prof Sandler. Content has improved over the years. Later parts of the course are theoretically more challenging but manageable.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2017
The subject is taught very clearly, which is deceptive in that the application questions can be extremely difficult. The average class mark for the second (method of characteristics) assignment was 5%, and the exam was the hardest I have ever had (and I had a H1 GPA up until that point). Keep on top of the work. Don't assume it's a bludge subject, it isn't.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017
John Sader is a cool guy. Does his best to keep things interesting. Now, the title is a bit misleading. There are three main sections. The first section is linear systems and linear approximations to nonlinear systems, in which you learn to draw phase plane diagrams to approximate the behaviour of systems of nonlinear differential equations; this section is easy. The second section is on traffic flow, namely method of characteristics for linear partial differential equations; this section is somewhat challenging. The third section is fluid mechanics, aka Navier-Stokes. The third section is by far the hardest; the course by then moves very fast and it's so easy to get lost. To survive, I suggest constant studying, especially after around week 6. It's doable, and the mathematics is certainly interesting, but it was my lowest mark out of all my maths subjects.