Data Analysis 1
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View all MAST10010 notesUniversity of Melbourne: MAST10010 - Data Analysis 1 (H1: 90%)
University of Melbourne: MAST10010 - Data Analysis 1 Score: H1 (90) I had an average in the 60s...
49 pages, 8775 words
Data Analysis 1 Lecture Notes
These notes were my saviour, struggled with understanding throughout the semester (willing to acknow...
61 pages, 11674 words
Minitab cheat sheet
This covers the relevant required knowledge from weeks 1-11. This cheat sheet helped me during the M...
5 pages, 1299 words
Become a tutor for MAST10010Michael
$20 per hour
Data Science Undergraduate Student | Experienced Tutor Specializing in Mathematics I am a student...
$49 per hour
Completed a Mathematics and Statistics degree at Melbourne Uni with First Class Honours. Been tutori...
$70 per hour
Maths Graduate with First Class Honours| 5 Years, 3000+ hours of tutoring experience| 99.80 ATAR| Fr...
$50 per hour
Dux and experienced tutor offering help to excel in your FINAL EXAMS. I offer packages to help you p...
$45 per hour
As a University of Melbourne graduate in Data Science and Computer Science, currently working in cyb...
Data Analysis is a subject focused on statistical methods and their applications using Minitab software. It emphasizes practical data exploration, hypothesis testing, and model-building skills essential for data-driven fields. The course is well-organized, with engaging lectures that demystify statistical concepts and connect them to real-world applications. Tutorials and workshops provide plenty of opportunities to practice using Minitab, making it easier to grasp the material. Assignments and assessments were designed to test both theoretical understanding and the ability to analyze and interpret data effectively. I scored an H1 (94) in this subject, and I found that consistently revising statistical methods, fully engaging with tutorials, and practicing with Minitab were key to success. The skills gained here are highly transferable and provide a strong statistical foundation for further studies.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2024
Very interesting subject, the content as well as how it's run. Everyone tells you it's an easy WAM booster so you take it. You bash your head in because of how stretched out the lectures are and how many pages the lecture slides have despite it covering content which could easily be self-learnt in a couple weeks. Then assignments come and you're humbled because of the extremely vague and strict marking schemes which accompany the ambiguous questions (not even AI could save you from the wrath of Paul). The exam comes and you're hanging on your last life, wondering whether you will even pass this subject. Then the biggest sense of relief overcomes you during the exam when you realise the exam is extremely accessible and as long as you have kept up with content (or crammed it all), no questions would surprise you. The secret comes unravelling at this moment as to why the wise have recommended such a subject for an easy H1, which is the cheat sheets. For a subject that is half theoretical, you don't even have to learn the content, just copy the lecture slide notes onto your cheat sheet and copy that over onto the exam paper for a few free marks, and then stare at your cheat sheet again for every possible combination of practical exam question possible (you get 2 double sided A4 papers), and then easily work out the methods level probability question set forth to you. As I reflect back into my time in the past, MAST10010 has grown onto me like no other has ever before. As one which I despised and had an exam fear for, on par with COMP10002, it has truly proved itself in the end.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2024
WORST SUBJECT EVER!!! Before you tell me 'skill issue', I got an 87 on this subject so I'm not complaining about not being able to do well in this subject. This subject was complete suffering. It was the worst ran subject I have ever taken. The lecture slides are garbage, the lecturer annotates worse than a 5 year old, the tutorials are COMPLETELY USELESS with zero engagement from everyone. The assignments are just complete horsesh*t and are marked worse than arts subjects. I never once felt happy during this subject. Exam is literally just cheat sheet abuse and EVEN THEN they marked the exam so harshly and they don't even tell you what you should be writing in general in exams. Never ever do this subject. PLEASE, spare yourself. Literally no point, might as well just take statistics.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2024
The lectures were extremely hard to follow, so I rarely even watched them and opted to self-study the content using other online resources. I only managed to get by because I remembered most of the stats content I did in high school and just worked on practicing what I knew. I don't really feel that I learned anything of value, and as someone who personally loves learning statistics, I found this subject so dull. The questions solved in tutorials seemed convoluted to me (It would've been so helpful to solve simpler questions first and then move onto the "tricky" ones.) The lecturer wasn't very good at explaining concepts concisely, which is why I mostly studied using Youtube and other textbooks. That being said, the assignments were alright and the past papers we were given were pretty good practice for the final. I'd agree with the previous reviews and recommend taking a different maths/stats subject. Similarly to one of the previous reviews, I found it really frustrating that free online resources were much better than the lectures/materials we were provided...
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2020
This subject is full of really useful and valuable information, however the standard of teaching this semester was atrocious. Lecture slides were full of mistakes (spelling, grammar, calculations etc.) and inconsistencies (chancing decimal places randomly between slides). When the lecturer would make a verbal mistake, she would just keep talking as if nothing had happened. The course guide hadn't been updated, so dates and consultation times and locations were wrong, and no information reflecting the COVID-19 pandemic was added. Information about the final exam was inconsistent, with the number of hand-written notes allowed in the exam changed a week before the exam. The lecturer would promise to post additional materials online that were not covered in the lectures, but wouldn't post them until follow-up emails were sent. It was easier, faster, and less of a headache to just use online videos and try to decipher the important parts from the lecture slides than to bother watching the lectures. In summary, unless you really need this subject, don't bother. Take another statistics or data analysis subject.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2020
Edited to say that I really recommend that you take a different maths and stats subject (this review was below the 2 star review from this sem that refers to the 'previous review'). ---- Maths and stats doesn't have to be hard, but it is no wonder that people struggle with it when you have subjects like this. The level of incompetence and apathy of the teaching of this subject is why people hate maths. The lectures are very difficult to understand, sometimes to the point of being totally unintelligible. Notes, lecture slides, and LMS are completely riddled with spelling mistakes. I have to look at what topics we are covering each week, then I use Khan academy or find videos on youtube with someone else explaining the concepts because the lectures are just so bad. How are free resources far better than a course I am spending a lot of money on at australia's "number one" university? Pretty disgraceful. . NB: The lecturer 'Sharon' mentioned below is no longer the lecturer in this subject.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2020
Completely agree with the previous review, the lectures are horrible and painful to endure as the sole lecturer of the subject frequently struggles with English and makes mistakes in the lecture slides to the point where it genuinely obstructs learning and is plain embarrassing for the supposed "number 1 university" in Australia. The lectures and lecture slides are also organized very incoherently on the LMS, with the videos and slides being hosed on individual pages and modules instead of the LMS's usual structured lecture capture format (which all my other subjects are somehow still able use strangely). The labs and tutorials seem okay, but the quality of teaching does seem to vary wildly depending on which tutor you get.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2020
A lot of abstract concepts and formulas but they're useful stuff. I was a bit confused in the beginning, but things started to make a lot more sense towards the end of the semester. It's fairly easy to get good marks for the assignments as long as you put in the work. Really easy 10 marks for the quizzes (allowed 3 attempts).
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2017
The lectures are fun, Sharon was hilarious sometimes. And she simplifies the complex knowledge. The web tools can simulate doing experiments and graphing, really good to play with.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016
If you are one of those last minute cram kid I highly advise NOT to take this subject. Content is not very interesting unless you find statistical formulas and looking at graphs fascinating. Know how to use Minitab and go to the labs and ask your questions. Exam is not that bad if you have practiced a lot. Would not recommend this subjects though.