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CZ: Islam and Resistance H1 Notes

Lecture and tutorial notes from weeks 2-12 Topics covered: - Overview/history of the middle east...

47 pages, 15265 words

ISLM30018 Crisis Zone: Age of Uprisings - H1 (82) Lecture Notes

Comprehensive notes of the lectures for Crisis Zone: Age of Uprisings, under clear headings and dot-...

68 pages, 17000 words

ISLM30018 Crisis Zone: Age of Uprisings - H1 (82) Reading Notes

Well-organised notes of the readings for Crisis Zone: Age of Uprisings, under clear headings and dot...

64 pages, 160000 words


$60 per hour

I have previously worked at La Trobe, Swinburne and the University of Melbourne as a sessional tutor...


Tutor Dina Tawfic was not chill

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2024

Diplomacy: International Relations/Islam. This is the best subject I have ever done at Melbourne Uni. The lecturer, Matthew Nelson, has succeeded in making a content-heavy and complex subject very interesting and easier to understand. His lectures are incredibly informative and he manages to make them interesting, so the time flies. His tutorials are great for putting the knowledge from readings and lectures into good use and involve "role play" to make it more entertaining. It was also very easy to do well in the assignments, as long as you follow his guides that outline the whole assignment. I only have amazing things to say and would highly recommend this subject.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2022

Kylie is lovely, however the subject is content heavy and without prior knowledge very hard to get your head around

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018