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H2A. This subject is so monotonous and draining it's a real relief it's over for me. If you're considering doing this subject as a non UX major I'm in awe. This is a prerequisite to the UX 25pt capstone Interactive Technology Project subject and focuses entirely on evaluating usability through various means. Your first assignment focuses on theory based evaluation, evaluating one of a select few available websites through usability heauristics and cognitive walkthroughs, establishing initial expectations for potential usability issues to be found in the user based evaluation in assignment 2. Underusing terminology and imperfectly using usability expert language can critically impair your results across the semester and this was learned early on in my group's first assignment. Assignment 2 involves conducting a real usability study involving live and remote participants to evaluate and identify problems in the usability of the website by making participants complete the same set of tasks as determined by yourselves. In live testing you'll use eye tracking software and observe using think aloud protocols to identify usability problems. You'll conduct after task questionnaires based on likert scale usability questions to evaluate how well or poorly the usability (efficiency, effectiveness etc) is for that particular task. For this assignment there's a video presentation component and a report so you gotta clutch up with your team. Better pray and come up with a strong group since they'll be with you for both assignments and form 45% of your final grade. There's a weekly quiz that runs in conjunction with these two assignments that's open book and should be an easy 10% to your grade. The final exam is semi open book, allowing you to bring in an A4 double sided sheet of paper (which you can just print 16 pages on each side and read from to fit all relevant material throughout the semester - vital!). Exam itself is sound if you've prepared your cheat sheet appropriately but knowing the content well would give you an edge to perform better under time. Don't do this subject if you're not majoring in UX.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2024