Gender, Rights And Leadership In History
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$80 per hour
*TAKING SUMMER SEM ESSAYS* Experienced essay tutor | 50+ undergraduates taught | More than 200 essay...
$50 per hour
I have never been an orthodox thinker or a by-the-books student. I believe that education and academ...
$70 per hour
Hey! I am a third year Bachelor of Arts student, double majoring in Philosophy and English and Theat...
Fairly interesting topics but very poor execution of tutorials, we just discussed the readings as a group then with the entire class, waste of time. Assignments were interesting and fun to do, but you need to engage with readings constantly.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2023
I highly recommend this subject, there is so much support on offer and the expectations for all assignments and tutorials were clear. The LMS and lectures are exceptionally organised and Annabelle is such an amazing lecturer. The lecture content was engaging and with there being 2 one hour lectures a week on seperate topics, it was easy to keep up with the lectures. Each assignment has a video, FAQ, presentation and detailed instructions, making it incredibly easy to do assignments well, especially for those who may not have come from a history background. My tutor, Julia prompted students to discuss each topic critically and led the most incredible class discussions and tutorials. One of the assignments was an essay plan which is extremely helpful in writing the essay later and my tutor provided me with comprehensive feedback. The final exam is actually a reflective essay due at the end of SWOTVAC which was a nice way to end the subject and was nice for overall workload. This is a subject where you pretty much have to engage with all the readings to be able to participate in tutorials so there is that to consider. Overall, a great subject, I recommend for anyone looking for an arts elective or a breadth.