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These notes cover all topics. Lectures slide itself do not contain enough details and information, t...

35 pages, 10353 words

GEOM30009 Notes

Some concepts throughout the subject were difficult to grasp therefore I have concisely summarised A...

28 pages, 6289 words


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Relatively easy Level 3 Science subject. Can definitely boost your WAM if you put effort. But there's a few negatives about the subject. Assessments: You have to work in a group of four to work on four group assignments. The marking criteria for the group assignments are quite vague. So you may get marked down for unexpected reasons, which were not mentioned anywhere. But one life hack is to ask your tutor about the marking. If your tutor is gatekeeping, go to another tutorial. This is what I actually did. When I went to another tutorial, the demonstrator in that tutorial was actually telling the students what he will be checking for, which our demonstrator gate kept. There's also peer evaluations for every group assignment, which makes you mark your teammates on a scale of 1 to 5 on a few questions. This may sound counter intuitive. But if your teammates do not give you 5 stars for all the peer evaluation questions and you do give them 5 stars for everything, your assignment mark may decrease by whatever amount. In my case, it ranged between 2-10%. I either was not a good group member, or the peer evaluation method is flawed. How the peer evaluation works is you are marked based on the group peer evaluation average vs your peer evaluation average. So this may sound unethical. But if you intentionally give bad ratings for your teammates, your marks will probably scale up or at least not decrease. The subject doesn't seem to be well organised. The final exam for this semester was meant to be closed book in person, but "due to exam arrangement difficulties" it changed to an online open book exam, which was a win for us. But if the exam is closed book in person when you take it, you will have to put effort to actually understand the stuff they teach you even though you will most likely never use that knowledge in your career.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2023

The coordinator khouroush has no idea what he is doing, our ONLINE exam was delayed by 10 minutes because they did not put up the right exam and instead put up some page with a blank text box. No communication or email if we get extra time or not during this mishap. Assignments were relatively easy and straightforward to do with instruction sheets EXCEPT rubrics are blank and tutors can mark you down for whatever even if it is not mentioned in the rubric. Example: map of ____. That is all they give you with no mention of what features they expect in the map. When I say blank I mean it literally - the criteria per mark has nothing in it not even a sentence. The first rubric had the basic description for intro and methods but second assignment onwards it was all blank; he could not even copy and paste it into the other ones. Did not reply to our emails and we could not even find our tutors email to write to him to appeal the assignment grade. Ignoring all that, H1 is feasible and I only got H2A in one assignment because we were marked down for something not mentioned in the rubric. Besides the one, rest were H2A-H1 easily. A genuine thanks to Marko, the coordinator kept pushing everything to Marko who helped us out significantly and was clear in communication.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2023

This is an easy subject to get a H1 in. However, I will give a few warnings about certain things I didn't know going into it. The practical reports require you to use a software called ENVI which only works on windows computers and requires quite a bit of processing power. You might run into some stress if you can't access a uni library computer with the software or run the software remotely. Also, the reports are about 1,500 words each but they are pretty easy since you only need to refer to the lecture content for it and they give you questions to answer for the discussion.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2022

This is a really straightforward subject and easy to get a H1 in. The assignments are laid out in a step by step form which if you follow the method correctly, you can easily score 90%+ in. The lectures are run once a week for 2 hours. The content in the lecture is quite dry and dull, but if you keep up with your notes and make them really detailed you should be good. The content is quite easy to memorise as well, as the slides are also very detailed. In the MSTs, the questions were never really application based, it was more content straight of the slides which was good. Tutorials every week were helpful for questions on assignments. The exam was also like the MSTs. Overall, this subject was super CHILL, and I recommend it for anyone doing a BSc, as it counts as a science subject :D

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021

Really great subject. The lecturer is kind of boring, but the information is very practical, well-presented, and interesting. Assignments are guided and it is relatively easy to get an H1. Tutors are always willing to answer questions (which there are a lot of).

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021

Very interesting and practical subject - highly recommended doing as breadth. Also one of the most structured subjects, the assignments are very straightforward and organized, and most of all it puts all the content from lectures to use. So as long as you understand the content in the assignments, you will be pretty much covering most of the lectures as well.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020

Such a chill subject. Really interesting and stimulating content, with very straightforward assignments (step-by-step instructions) and exam (just 10 short answer questions for a 3 hour exam). There is just the right amount of content to learn- not too much/too difficult, not too little/too boring. An easy H1, great for breadth.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017