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View all FNCE30001 notesINVESTMENT H1 (85/100) comprehensive summary
It includes all comprehensive points in final exam.
45 pages, 12560 words
Investment notes H1 (98/100) highly condensed, clear style
covered 12 weeks of lectures topics included Interest Rates and Bonds Valuation Valuing Risky B...
25 pages, 6909 words
H1 Exam Notes with extra diagrams to help understanding
Here are my notes I used for investments last semester. I made a few of my own diagrams to help me u...
37 pages, 11877 words
H1 (94%) FNCE30001 Investments notes Sem 1 2021
Useful, yet concise notes that summarize lecture slides and notes taken during lecture. I used th...
39 pages, 6729 words
Comprehensive notes including detailed examples (H1)
Clear and structured notes, including thorough explanations as well as detailed examples. Topics...
53 pages, 12719 words
(H1 96) Investments Lecture Notes
Comprehensive notes from every lecture, including commentary from lecturer. Contains all the informa...
72 pages, 23081 words
Investments comprehensive notes
Concise and detail notes of everything you need to know in the subject. The notes are prepared to en...
52 pages, 48 words
Investment Summary
Discuss core concepts in finance, including risk, return, risk premium and risk aversion; Analyse t...
39 pages, 8884 words
H1 Investments Course Summary Notes
These notes provide detailed summaries of ALL of the content required to get you an H1. This is a ch...
30 pages, 9069 words
Summarized Investment Notes
Summarised important concepts in a easy to read table form. Help you review & study easily for inves...
34 pages, 11050 words
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Completed a Mathematics and Statistics degree at Melbourne Uni with First Class Honours. Been tutori...
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Maths Graduate with First Class Honours| 5 Years, 3000+ hours of tutoring experience| 99.80 ATAR| Fr...
Karan sanjeev
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I had pursued my Masters of management finance from the University of Melbourne. I have scored H1 in...
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Experienced Uni Lecturer & Financial Professional ( Qualified with Training and Assessment Certifica...
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we offer expert tutoring across a diverse range of subjects and fields. Our team of experienced tuto...
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- University of Melbourne Graduate [2017](Accounting & Finance). -Certified Practising Accountant [...
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Taking Bookings for 2023 (Face to Face and ONLINE Available) Academic Tutor with HD average - Ranke...
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- Current WAM 89.889 - Dean's Honors List 2019, awarded to top 3% of cohort - Francis J. Wright Ex...
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My Profile • Current Sessional Finance Academic (USyd) • Current Senior Academic Tutor (St Andrew’...
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Get your study notes at TOVO.EDUCATION * | Premium Service | 1-On-1 Tutoring | Professional Li...
Interesting class, much easier than ds but at times feels like a content dump. Based in QM1 level of stats. Builds of a lot of theories taught in PoF. Being honest it did feel like a Lv2 class in terms of difficulty however exam was a little bit challenging. With that being said Patty is an excellent lect
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2021
Content was much more manageable and easier compared to Derivatives Securities. You will love it you like to do mathematical calculation!
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020
Taught by Patrick. Pre recorded lectures, zoom tutorials and monitored discussion board. I personally think the structure of the contents were a bit messy and hard to follow, but very interesting contents still. Tutorial by Shirley Gu made things easier to understand, and the discussion board was also helpful. Brutally hard MST and doable final exam (still difficult than the sample given though)
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2020
Compared to Derivatives, a lot more content-heavy and theory-based. A lot of focus on understanding basic theories and having to apply it to a different context. Loved lecturer Kelly's energy (only thing- his lecture slides are ugly). Cons: tutors were all quite subpar, lack of practice resources (mostly from textbook) and MST and Exam were extremely difficult (different from practice resources and lack of time).
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2020
Overall a pretty ok subject. It’s the first semester that Patrick’s teaching and I personally quite liked him as a lecturer. However, the content of the subject is difficult and the final exam was also extremely hard.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2019
Although the subject is interesting from an academic perspective many of the concepts do not seem applicable in a practical sense. Overall quite hard although practice will make the subject quite doable
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2019
Can get very mathematical. As long as you have a strong analytical base, it shouldn't be much of a problem.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018
good subject! should do it
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018
Easy peasy subject.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018
Loved this subject. Very technical but well explained by lecturer Gil Aharoni.