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Dean's Honours Master of Architecture and Construction Management from the University of Melbourne,...


This subject is to this day my favourite uni subject, and will no doubt continue to be during my post grad. High praise? Well deserved. The lecturer, Davo, and tutors were all incredibly motivated and knowledgeable and it was so energising to see this eye opening intro to our world. I did this in my first semester at uni and honestly... do it. You will not regret it.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016

Loved this subject to death! Wonderful introduction into our chaotic world that taught us to doubt above believing. Lecturer (Davo) was the best i've had so far. Two pieces of advice. One, ATTEND LECTURES and two, ATTEND TUTORIALS. After the first test where a lot of people received <65, it was pretty obvious that this subject required effort to be put in so... do it!

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2015

Really interesting subject that gets you thinking about how the environment, government and economy all work together and to think critically about content you're taught in a lot of other Environments subjects. Have to attend the lectures as they're not recorded but still very fascinating content, however it does take a few lectures to start making sense

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2015

Great subject, take it and you're way of thinking will be changed forever. This subject could easily be core (would be better than Reshaping as core) but as Davo says, they only want people who want to study the subject in it. Pros: - Davo's interesting lectures and thought provoking ideas - prepare to challenge your understanding of the ideas of sustainability, science and the economy. - a must-do foundation subject introducing heaps essential principles for Uni and life - truth, systems approach, political, environmental and economic systems etc. Cons: - takes a while to learn how to approach the subject, especially the tests - lectures aren't recorded, but this makes you go - tutes can sometimes be a bit vague, (but they're not compulsory)

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2015

A very interesting subject, but it's hard to learn how to do the assessments properly, and the lectures, which contained most of the things you needed to know, were not recorded which made studying difficult if you weren't a fast note-taker or missed a lecture. Still a worthwhile subject.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2014

What an awesome subject. Davo is one of the best lecturers ever! Be sure to attend your lectures and listen with an open mind.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2014