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H1 Human Behaviour & Environment Lectures + Readings

All lectures and readings included (note: no readings given for topic 9 & 10) Topic 1: what shape...

60 pages, 16000 words


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I really like this subject! you can definitely get a solid H1 if you do the readings and come to the tutorial. The topic is light and actually interesting for a science subject!

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2024

If you think this is an easy wam booster after checking this subject up on the handbook then you’re wrong! Instructions on the assignments are sometimes very vague and some of the tutors are unhelpful. It is very hard to get a high score and I reckon this subject just doesn’t worth the time. Contents are dry and boring and the required effort on the assignments are just ridiculous, there are definitely better subjects to study instead! By the way, I don’t even think this subject can be classified as a science subject at all!

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2023

Although this is a science elective it is very much arts-based. Expect this heading into it and you should be fine. The main assignments are essays around 1500 words, they follow similar structure to psychology essays or even anthropology essays. Having done these before I found them easier but if you have not ask heaps of questions! The tutors and subject coordinator for this subject are very engaging and responsive. I really enjoyed this subject, the only issue was trying to figure out how to write a perfect essay as it was not very clear. You only get examples of mediocre essays. I loved the energy of the tutorials (given I had a very good tutor!) it was the highlight of my week and there was a lot of engaging discussion!

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2022

This subject is definitely for psych and arts students. The essay structures required are pretty different from the scientific essay structure. The content is theoretical-based and dry. If you wish to aim for higher marks for your essays, you better keep attending the tutorials.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021

The subject is what it says it is, but overall I found it a bit too easy and simplified for my liking. I often wanted to go into more nuance, both in discussion and in reports, but the material we were given to use put ideas into overly neat boxes. My background is in psychology and I did this 2nd-year subject in my 3rd year, so perhaps this is why I found the subject oversimplified; maybe those who have no background in psychology would find this complicated and have a lot to learn. The actual ideas in the subject are useful to think about and be aware of but I would warn anyone new to the field of psychology to keep in mind that this subject oversimplifies things at times. My tutor was really good though, highly engaging and kept the classes interesting and inclusive. Also, if you are looking to become more environmentally conscious in your own life, this subject is good for encouraging you to do that; the applications questions are designed to get you to reflect on your own behaviour and psychology.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021

Subject was delivered in a pretty messy manner tbh. It should’ve been classified as an Arts rather than a Science subject. The lecturer was decent and delivered her content well. However, the online delivery of this subject wasn’t great and made it hard to keep up with. Not too sure about the other tutors but mine wasn’t very helpful and wasn’t very clear on what was expected in the essay reports. (Proof: Number of students attending her classes dwindled HORRIBLY as weeks went by). She also marked the essays pretty harshly. Some readings were cool but some were pretty lengthy and boring. They played a huge part in your overall performance though. So, if you’re not someone to fancy loads of lengthy reading, you might wanna reconsider taking this subject. A friend of mine said another tutor, Roni, was cool.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020

This was a pretty good subject. The assessment was decent. You'll do quite well if you're good at succinctly writing reports and essays. At times my tutor, Roni, gave different advice to the subject coordinator which made marking quite harsh for the research reports. However, the content was super interesting and the readings really broadened my knowledge on how I can be more environmentally sustainable! I got a H1 in this subject but it wasn't easy. The take-home-exam required an application of the entire Semester's content, so make sure you're always doing the readings and keeping up to date with the material - the weekly application questions were quite useful for this. The subject coordinator, Katherine, was great with responding to questions on the discussion board regularly which was very helpful!

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020

The content is interesting if you're into sustainability or environmental psychology. The workload is fairly light and the teaching staff were great too. Not an easy H1 but you'll be able to do well if you're good at writing reports/essays.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020

Very interesting subject, definitely broadened my knowledge regarding the environment and the importance of sustainability. Even liked the readings that they give out lol. I think the content is crucial for the future as well (very applicable).

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2019

Full blown arts subject, not science. Very airy fairy

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020